Can I integrate my LMS with Procore Certification?


Your company is leveraging Procore's Certification programme as part of the onboarding/training process for your internal employees. For example, many of Procore's clients require their employees to become Procore Certified. For clients that leverage an internal learning management system (LMS) for training/onboarding purposes, some of them inquire about how they can incorporate Procore's Certification courses into their own LMS so that end users have a more seamless experience.

Here are the common objectives for this type of integration:


Recommended Solution

We believe the following solution is a fairly simple and realistic solution that should ultimately satisfy your core business needs.

Create a course/lesson in your company's LMS that allows you to capture a user's Procore Certification course completion record(s). For example, you can create a "fill-in the blank" quiz where users can enter a direct URL to their certificate. (e.g. See example below. 


Or you could have them download a PDF of their certificate and upload it into your company's LMS or intranet or email it to a company administrator.