How do budget codes in an estimate create line items in a budget?
Within Procore, you can apply the same cost settings across all projects for consistency. However, as projects can to differ from one project to the next, you can also make changes to budget codes within a project to meet the needs of the specific project.
For some projects you may hire a subcontractor and use the broader, standard cost codes for your company. For other projects, you may self-perform the work and have more granular tracking for the work in your budget.
Estimates created in the project's Estimating tool can be sent directly to your project's budget to streamline your workflow. Budget codes, which are made up of Cost Codes, Cost Types, Sub Jobs and Custom Segments, can be edited to match your project's budget structure.
You can set budget codes at every level of granularity for your estimate:
- Individual Items
- Assemblies
- Groups
For each level of granularity, you can select to roll everything into a single budget code (the same sub job, cost code, cost type, custom segments) creating a single line item in your budget. Or, you can choose to use assign different budget codes to items, creating more granular line items in your budget.
After an estimate is complete and ready to send to the project's Budget tool in Procore, it is important to be aware of how items will be represented on the budget.
When setting budget codes for at each level of granularity, you can select to roll everything into a single budget code (the same sub job, cost code, cost type, custom segments), creating a single line item in your budget. Or, you can choose a * option to create budget codes where that field is different for the item or items within a group or assembly, creating more granular line items in your budget.
- Individual Item
- For the Cost Type, if you select '* - split into all involved cost types', Procore will assign the cost code, sub job and custom segments to the item, but will create a line item in your budget for each cost type, such as materials, labour and other, which includes adjustments such as overhead, taxes and bonding.
For example, if you set the sub job and cost code as a specific value and set the cost type as '* - split into all involved cost types', Procore will assign the selected cost code, sub job to the item, but will create individual line items in your budget for the Materials, Labour and Other cost types.
- Assembly
- You can set one budget code (the same sub job, cost code, cost type and custom segments) for an entire assembly. This creates a single line item in your budget.
- If you select '* - per assembly part' for any field, Procore will keep the original setting for that field for each item in the assembly and create a budget line item for each unique budget code within the assembly.
For example, if you set the sub job and cost code as a specific value and set the cost type as '* - per assembly part', Procore will assign the selected cost code, sub job to the item, but will create a line item in your budget for each cost type in the assembly, such as Materials, Labour and Other, which includes adjustments such as overhead, taxes and bonding.
- If you change a budget code for an individual item or part within the assembly, the assembly will automatically be broken out by the cost codes and cost types for all the items within the assembly. This will create a budget line item in your budget for each unique budget code (cost code, cost type, sub job, custom segment combination) in the assembly.
- Group
- You can set one budget code (the same sub job, cost code, cost type and custom segments) for an entire group. This creates a single line item in your budget.
- If you select '* - per cost item' for any field, Procore will keep the original setting for that field for each item in the group and create a budget line item for each unique budget code within the group.
For example, if you set the sub job and cost type as a specific value and set the cost code as '* - per cost item', Procore will assign the selected sub job and cost type to the items within the group, but will create a budget line item in your budget for each cost code in the group.