How do I adjust the Procore Standard Forecast View when the Client Contracts, Funding or Main Contracts tool is disabled?

 Limited Release

flag-us.png flag-canada.png If you are using one of Procore's limited release point-of-view dictionaries, the name of the Main Contracts tool is replaced with one of these tool names:

  • Client Contracts. This is the name of the Main Contracts tool for Procore companies using the English (Speciality Contractors) dictionary.
  • Funding. This isthe name of the Main Contracts tool for Procore companies using the English (Owner Terminology V2) dictionary. 


If the Main Contracts tool is disabled on a project, you must adjust your Procore Standard Forecast View by removing the columns that source data from the tool. To learn about this view, see About the Procore Standard Forecast View


To remove the tool-related columns from your Procore Standard Forecast View:

  1. Navigate to Company level Admin tool.
  2. Click Budgeting Configuration in the right.
  3. Click Procore Standard Forecast
  4. Click Configure Columns.
  5. Adjust the following columns:
    • Revised Budget 
      1. Select Revised Budget.
      2. Click Edit.
      3. Click Remove next to Approved COs.
      4. Click Update.
    • Forecast to Complete
      1. Select Forecast to Complete.
      2. Click Edit.
      3. Adjust the calculation to be Revised Budget - Project Costs.
      4. Click Update.
    • Projected Over/Under column
      1. Select Projected Over/Under.
      2. Click Edit.
      3. Adjust the calculation to be Revised Budget - Estimated Cost at Completion.
      4. Click Update.
    • Deselect the following columns:
      • Approved COs
      • Projected Budget
  6. Exit the module by clicking the x in the upper right corner. Your changes will automatically be applied to the budget view.

See Also