What are Uncategorised Payment applications in Portfolio Financials?

The information in this FAQ applies to Procore accounts with the Portfolio Financials product. Reach out to your Procore point of contact for more information. 


For Portfolio Financials accounts using accounting integrations, an Uncategorised Payment applications section can be found under the Cost Tracker on the Project Page.

A payment application will appear in this section if it is imported for a given job code but there is no contract set up for a vendor with a vendor code that matches the one on the payment application in question.


In addition, if a vendor has been awarded multiple contracts for a given project, payment applications for that vendor will be placed into the Uncategorized Payment applications section of the Cost Tracker so that a member of the project team can assign it to the appropriate contract.


Uncategorized payment applications are included in the overall paid to date calculation for the project, but can be moved to the appropriate cost item using the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-vertical.png icon across from the payment application.


The modal below is where you can select the cost item. The payment application will then be accessible from the Payment applications tab of that contract room in the Accounting Payment applications section.


See Also