In Procore, the term granular permissions refers to task-based privileges that can be granted to users with 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on certain tools through the users' assigned permissions templates. The table below shows the granular permissions that are available for the project's Action Plans tool.
Granular Permission Name | Granular Permission Description |
Add Records | Grants users the privilege to add records to an Action Plan. On by default for users with 'Standard' permissions. Note: Must be turned on for users with 'Read Only' Permissions. |
Add Record Requests to Published Plans as Assignee | Grants users the privilege to add a record request if they are an assignee on that item. |
Create and Edit Action Plan | Grants users the privilege to create and edit action plans. It also includes the abilities to add records, change item status and edit item notes. See Create an Action Plan and Edit an Action Plan. |
Create and Edit Project Templates | Grants users the privelage to create and edit project level Action Plan Templates. See Create and Edit a Project Level Action Plan Template. |
Delete Action Plan | Grants users the privilege to delete action plans. See Delete an Action Plan. |
Edit Due Date in Published Plans | Grants users the privilege to edit the due date in any published Action Plans. |
Edit Item Notes as Action Plans Assignee | Grants users the privilege to edit item notes in action plans items they are assigned to. |
Edit Item Status as Action Plans Assignee | Grants users the privilege to edit the status of an action plan item they are assigned to. |
Edit Notifications | Grants users the privilege to edit project settings for Action Plans. |
Remove Records | Grants users the privilege to remove records from an Action Plan. On by default for users with 'Standard' permissions. Note: Must be turned on for users with 'Read Only' Permissions. |
Sign as Action Plan Approver | On by default for users with 'Standard' permissions and cannot be modified. See Approve an Action Plan to be Performed. Note: Must be turned on for users with 'Read Only' Permissions. |
Sign as Action Plan Approver for Users within the Same Company | Grants users the privilege to sign as an Action Plan Approver for anyone is a specified company, including action plans marked as 'Private'. See Approve an Action Plan to be Performed. Note: You can only sign as an approver for users your share a company with. Action Plans does not allow you to sign as an approver for users in another company. |
Sign as Action Plan Assignee | On by default for users with 'Standard' permissions. Note: Must be turned on for users with 'Read Only' Permissions. |
Sign as Action Plan Assignee for Any User | Grants users the privilege to sign an Action Plan as an assignee from the project. |
Sign as Action Plan Assignee for Users within the Same Company | Grants users the the privilege to sign an Action Plan as an assignee from a specified company, including action plans marked as 'Private'. |
Sign as Completed Action Plan Receiver | On by default for users with 'Standard' permissions and cannot be modified. See Sign a Completed Action Plan. Note: Must be turned on for users with 'Read Only' Permissions. |
Sign as Completed Action Plan Receiver for Users within the Same Company | Grants users the privilege to sign as an Action Plan Receiver for anyone is a specified company, including action plans marked as 'Private'. See Sign a Completed Action Plan. Note: You can only sign as receiver for users your share a company with. Action Plans does not allow you to sign as an receiver for users in another company. |