Workforce assignments allow you to manage your workforce by assigning resources to projects. Assignment alerts can be sent to the assignee to notify them and share key information about their assignment.
You can create assignment alerts to notify the assignee and share key information about their workforce assignment. Assignment alerts are customisable and sent via SMS, email or Workforce Planning/LaborChart app based on the assignee's choice. Here are a few examples:
SMS Alert | Email Alert | In-App Alert |
Assignment alerts can be sent at the time assignments are created or when an update is made. You can also send assignment alerts at any other time of your choosing.
Recipients can respond to some assignment alerts as well. See What messages and alerts can people respond to in Workforce Planning?
Depending on how the recipient wants to receive assignment alerts, people must have the following setting(s) enabled in their profile on the People List:
To update these settings, see Edit People in Workforce Planning.