What is Procore BIM?


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a construction process that ensures efficient and collaborative planning, design and construction of buildings based on a 3D model. Procore BIM is the name of the Procore product that allows teams to publish, view and work off of 3D models in Procore projects.

If your account is entitled to Procore BIM, you can use the Models tools in Procore, along with a Procore plugin that is installed into your Autodesk® Navisworks® application. Models can be published from Navisworks® to Procore and then viewed in the Procore web app or by site teams using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device. See Publish a Model to Procore and View Models (iOS).

Note: If you are interested in adding Procore BIM to your organisation's account, please reach out to your Procore point of contact. 

See Also