Architect / Engineer

Did you know?

Architects are the glue that holds the design team together. They can be responsible for coordinating all of the other designers and handling the initial Project Programming. Architects use Procore to perform the following key tasks:

  • Upload, view and markup drawings
  • View meetings
  • Respond to RFIs
  • View snag list items

Mechanical, Structural and Electrical (MSE) Engineers are integral in keeping the project on schedule. MEP design is critical for design decision-making, accurate documentation, performance and cost-estimating, construction planning, managing and operating the resulting facility. They can use Procore to perform the following key tasks:

  • Respond to RFIs
  • Review submittals

Are you Procore Certified?

Complete our role-based training course and earn a Procore Certified: Architect certificate. Click here to register.


  • Self-paced, online training course
  • All content is specifically designed to teach subcontractors how to perform all project-related tasks in Procore.

To learn more about other certification courses, see Procore Certification