Add Scheduled Work Entries (iOS)

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To add Scheduled Work entries to the Daily Log using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.

Things to Consider


  1. Open the Procore app on an iOS mobile device and select a project.
    Note: This loads the Tools screen for the project.
  2. Tap the date you want to create a new entry for.
  3. Tap the quick create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon and select Scheduled Work.
    Tap the Daily Log tool. Tap the create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon, then tap Work Entry.
  4. Tap into the following fields to enter information:
    • Attachments: Tap on the following options to add photo or file attachments to the entry:

      • Camera: Use your mobile device's camera to take a photo that is automatically added to the entry once you exit the camera. Or, before exiting, tap the photo to mark it up. 
      • Photos: Select photos from your device's library. Adding multiple photos adds them directly to the entry or adding one photo gives the option to mark it up before saving it to the entry. 
      • Files: Select a saved file from your mobile device to add it to the entry. 
    • Resource: Tap the Resource field. Enter the name of the resource associated with the programmed work.

    • Showed: The showed button will, by default, be set to Yes. Tap the button to specify that the workers did not show for the selected resource.

    • Reimbursable: The Reimbursable button will, by default, be set to Yes. Tap the button to specify that the work is not reimbursable for the selected resource.

    • Workers: Tap the Workers field to enter the amount of workers from that resource on site that day.

    • Hours: Tap the Hours field to enter the amount of hours the workers were on site that day for the selected resource.

    • Rate: Tap the Rate field to enter the monetary rate at which the workers on site are working.

    • Comments: Enter any comments that may be needed to further describe the entry.

  5. Tap Create.

See Also