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Models: Import Viewpoints into the Web Viewer

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Feature Released: June 02, 2020

Import Viewpoints into the Models Viewer on Web

Users now have the ability to navigate to a model's Viewpoints created in Navisworks® that have been imported into Procore. See View a Model.

With the ability to import Viewpoints, this release builds on the mobile model viewer functionality to continue to enhance navigation across teams. Users can quickly navigate to specific areas/sections of a building for analysis. This reduces and potentially eliminates the need for a section tool on mobile since sectioning can be applied in the desktop application.

Why was this built?

The Import Viewpoints releases provides a solution for a couple of issues:

  • Navigation: Viewpoints can be created from Navisworks® by VDC Managers who are familiar with navigating the model and capturing specific perspectives. Now, users can have these perspectives/views created for them so they can navigate to the exact view they need.
  • Sectioning: Viewpoints can be created in Navisworks® with the desired sections to allow users to section the model.
  • Respect Planes: Imported viewpoints will respect planes from Navisworks®.


Model Viewer Toolbar


Model Views Navigation


See Also

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