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Procore Estimating: Automatic Numbering for Cable Drop Takeoffs

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
 Feature Released: March 17, 2021


Automatically Number and Label Takeoffs

An automatic numbering function has been added to the Take-Off section of Procore Estimating for 'Count by Distance' and 'Linear with Drop' takeoff types. You can now choose a prefix and suffix and the information will automatically be labelled as you add points to the takeoff.  


  1. Navigate to the project's Take-Off page in Procore Estimating. 
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-vertical.png icon for the relevant takeoff.
    Note: This feature is only available for 'Count by Distance' and 'Linear with Drop' takeoffs. 
  3. On the 'Main Details' tab, Click the toggle ON for Automatically Label Drops
  4. Fill in the following fields as necessary:
    Note: Make sure a symbol is selected in the Symbol field. 
    • Prefix: Enter text to appear at the beginning of the label. You can enter letters, blank spaces or special characters. 
    • Suffix: Enter text to appear at the end of the label. You can enter letters, blank spaces or special characters. 
    • Incremental Numbering Start: Enter the number that you the incremental numbering to start with. This field can only be a numeric value. 
  5. Click Close.
    • For a 'Count by Distance' takeoff, the numbering depends on the order the lines are created. For example, the first count will have the first numbers, while the next count will start with the next available numbers based on the last count. 
    • For a 'Linear with Drop' takeoff:
      1. Select the takeoff.
      2. Click Insert Points
      3. As you add or remove points, each point will automatically be labelled with the designated prefix, suffix and incremental number. 

See Also


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