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Release Notes for 2018-04-09

Below are notable changes to Procore for the week ending Friday, April 6, 2018.

Core | Product Management | Construction Financials | Quality & Safety | Field Productivity | App Marketplace

pl-core.png Core

Now Providing Shorter File Names for Project Tool File Extracts (2/4/2018) 

Updated the Extracts feature in the Project level Admin tool to short the filenames that are bundled in the ZIP file. Extracted files continue to be bundled in a ZIP file with the tool's name, but the files contained in the ZIP no longer include the tool's name. See Extract Project Information.

Added 'Payment applications' as a Type in Financial Line Item Detail Report. 

Updated the Company and Project level Reports tool's to add payment applications as a Type to the Financial Line Item Detail report. 

pl-project-management.png Product Management

Gantt Chart Now Available in Programme Tool (4/4/2018)

Updated the Project level Programme tool to make the Gantt Chart visible. Users with 'Admin' level permission on the Programme tool can now select the Enable MS Project Viewer tickbox on the Configure Settings page. This providers end users with the ability to click the Gantt Chart link in the right sidebar to open a page that reveals the Gantt Chart view of their project's programme. See Configure Advanced Settings: Project Programme.

Create & Apply Submittal Workflow Templates (4/4/2018) 

If you have been granted 'Admin' level permission on the Project level Submittals tool, you can now create submittal workflow templates. A submittal workflow template gives you the ability to define the submitters and approvers for your project's submittal review process. If you create multiple submittal workflow templates, your project users will also have the option of applying a selected template to the submittal(s) they create. For details, see Submittals: Create and Apply Submittal Workflow Templates

pl-construction-financials.png Construction Financials

Importing Unit of Measure & Unit Quantity Update Now Updates the Original Budget Amount (2/4/2018)

Users requested the ability to import budget updates that only included the 'Unit of Measure' and 'Unit Quantity' values. Prior to this change, when end users attempted to update the values using the CSV import, the 'Original Budget Amount' was set to zero (0). Now, when end users update the 'Unit of Measure' and 'Unit Quantity' values through a CSV import, the Original Budget Amount is updated as expected. See Import a Budget CSV.

Updated Link In Email Sent From Commitments Tool (4/4/2108)

When an end user was emailed a main contract or commitment, the email message sent from Procore, the hyperlinks in the email were not clear as to whether the link would send the user to Procore or download a PDF version of a contract. To address this issue, the 'View PDF' link underneath the 'View This Contract' has been renamed to 'View in Procore'.

Main Contract
Updated Link In Email Sent From Main Contract Tool (4/4/2108)

When an end user was emailed a main contract or commitment, the email message sent from Procore, the hyperlinks in the email were not clear as to whether the link would send the user to Procore or download a PDF version of a contract. To address this issue, the 'View PDF' link underneath the 'View This Contract' has been renamed to 'View in Procore'.

pl-quality-safety.png Quality & Safety

New Multiple Choice Inspection Response Options (6/4/2018) 

When creating a company level inspection template, Admin users on the company level Inspections tool can now create and assign multiple choice response sets to an inspection item. The option to create multiple choice response sets provides you and your team with flexibility and customisable options that fit your company's needs. These multiple choice response sets are created at the company level and then assigned to existing items within a Company level inspections template. See Inspections: New Multiple Choice Inspection Response Options.

Updated the Export PDF File for an Inspection (3/4/2018) 

Updated the tickboxes on the PDF for an inspection so it now shows the full word for inspection item 'Status' instead of an initial. (e.g., 'Pass' instead of 'P', 'Fail' instead of 'F'). Also updated the PDF so that if a multiple response set is being used, only the chosen response shows in the PDF. See Export Inspections as a PDF or CSV.

View a Linked Spec Section from an Observation (4/4/2018)

Updated the Project level Observations tool so end users can now click a hyperlink to view the spec section when viewing an observation. See View an Observation.

pl-field-productivity.png Field Productivity

No notable changes

pl-app-marketplace.png App Marketplace

No notable changes