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Release Notes for 2018-07-16

Below are notable changes to Procore for the week ending Friday, July 13, 2018.

Core | Product Management | Construction Financials | Quality & Safety | Field Productivity | App Marketplace

pl-core.png Core

Updated Due Item Digest Emails to Account for Company Time Zone (12/7/2018)

Updated Procore so the system now send the Due Item Digest email notification to end users at 2:00 a.m., using the time zone clock for the company's Procore account. Prior to this update, email notifications were sent to end users at 2:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). 

Now Aggregating Due Item Digest Emails (10/7/2018)

Also, the system no longer sends individual overdue emails for the following tools: Change Events (RFQs), Observations, Snag List, RFIs, Submittals, Tasks and Workflow. All 'Due Today' and 'Overdue' items are now aggregated into a single Due Item Digest email. This email is generated per User + Company basis. If a peson has a user account in three (3) Procore company accounts, then the user will receive three (3) Due Item Digest emails. Each email summarises due items on all projects within a single company. Only projects which have overdue items for the user are included in the message.

pl-project-management.png Product Management

No notable changes.

pl-construction-financials.png Construction Financials

No notable changes.

pl-quality-safety.png Quality & Safety

No notable changes.

pl-field-productivity.png Field Productivity

Added a Production Quantity Report (12/7/2018)

 Added the ability for users to upload budgeted production quantities in the project Admin tool and add quantities in the Timesheets tool. Users can then view the comparison of the production quantities entered in the Timesheets tool to the uploaded budgeted production quantities in a Production Quantity Report. This gives teams real-time insight into the percentage of work complete for tasks on site.

Update Time Entry Settings on New Projects (12/7/2018)

Updated the Project level Timesheets tool so that the default time entry setting is "Total Hours" instead of "Start/Stop". This only affects new projects that have been created before the release. Existing projects will not be affected by this update. 

pl-app-marketplace.png App Marketplace

Procore + Docusign
DocuSign Completed Banner Appears on All Projects (9/7/2018)

Implemented a change to allow the DocuSign Completed banner to display when all signatures are complete. This banner will show even the DocuSign account associated with the envelope becomes inactive.

Procore + ERP Integrations
Added Ready to Export Filter for Sub Jobs (9/7/2018)

Updated the Company level ERP Integrations tool to add a 'Ready to Export' filter to the Sub Job tab.