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Release Notes for 2019-07-01

Below are notable changes to Procore for the week ending Friday, June 28, 2019.

Core Tools | Product Management | Construction Financials | Quality & Safety | Field Productivity | App Marketplace

Core Tools

New Company Name Drop-Down List (27/6/2019)

As part of the preparation steps for configurable fields release in the future, Procore has modified the Create User and Edit User pages in the Company and Project Directory tools. Users will now see an 'x' in the Company Name drop-down list that can be used instead of the Clear Company link, a new 'Copy to Personal Information' link lets you quickly input company information to the user's personal record. In addition, the Company Name field is now searchable on the Users tab and you can now create a new company record by clicking Create New at the bottom of the Company Name drop-down list. For details, see Add a User Account to the Company Directory, Edit a User Account in the Company Directory, Add a User Account to the Project Directory and Edit a User Account in the Project Directory.

Added a New Granular Permission for Creating Reference Users to Permission Templates (28/6/2019)

Procore has added a new granular permission in the Directory category of the permission templates feature (see Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template) named 'Create Reference Users (Only Applicable if Timesheets or Incidents is Enabled)' to work with the project's Incidents tool.  This works with another granular permission which Procore had previously released 'Update Reference Users (Only Applicable if Timesheets or Incidents is Enabled)' for use with the project's Timesheets tool. See What is a 'reference user' and which project tools support the concept?


Product Management

Added a New Granular Permission for Creating Reference Users to Permission Templates (28/6/2019) 

Procore has added a new granular permission in the Directory category of the permission templates feature (see Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template) named 'Create Reference Users (Only Applicable if Timesheets or Incidents is Enabled)' to work with the project's Incidents tool.  This works with another granular permission which Procore had previously released 'Update Reference Users (Only Applicable if Timesheets or Incidents is Enabled)' for use with the project's Timesheets tool. See What is a 'reference user' and which project tools support the concept?

Add Witness Statements to an Incident (28/6/2019)

Procore has updated the Incidents tool with the ability to add one or more witness statements to an incident. When a safety incident occurs on a job site, part of the incident investigation process involves collecting statements from witnesses. A witness statement is used to better understand what happened, why it happened and how similar incidents can be prevented from occurring in the future. See Add a Witness Statement to an Incident.

Construction Financials

No notable changes.

Field Productivity

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: