Edit Budget Code Descriptions on a Project


To edit one or more budget code descriptions on a Procore project. 


If your team has created budget codes on a project and you want to edit their descriptions, you can use the steps below to make the desired changes. This action changes the Budget Code description displayed in the Budget and bill of quantities (BOQ) line items.

Things to Consider


Edit a Budget Code Description in the Admin Tool

  1. Navigate to the project's Admin tool. 
  2. Click the Work Breakdown Structure link. 
  3. Click the Budget Code Usage tab. 
  4. Locate the budget code that you want to modify. 
    • To search for a specific budget code, type in the desired code in the Search box.
  5. Click the Description field and edit the description. 
    Note: Leaving the Description field blank will return the Budget Code to the default concatenated description. 

Edit a Budget Code Description in the Budget

  1. Navigate to the project's Budget tool. 
  2. Locate the Budget line item containing the Budget Code you want to modify. 
  3. Scroll the budget to the right and click the pencil icon. 
  4. Click Custom under the 'Budget Code Description' section.
  5. Enter a custom budget code description.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: The new description will also be updated in the Admin tool.
  7. Optional: Click Default to return the budget code to the concatenated description.

See Also