Submit a Place a tender on Behalf of a Tenderer


To submit a place a tender on behalf of a tenderer in the Tendering tool.

Things to Consider

Invited tenderers have the option to submit their tender by replying to the tender invitation email with an attachment, as an alternative to logging in to Procore's Planroom tool. See Submit a Tender. This automatically updates their tender status in the Tendering tool to 'Submitted' and you can view their attachment on their response page. See Can tenderers submit their tender via email or must they sign in? and Review Submitted Tenders.


Note: The steps below are for projects with Tender Management Enhanced Experience. If your project has not been updated to the new experience, follow the steps in the Legacy Content section instead.

  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool. 
  2. Click the name of the tender package that you want to open. 
  3. Find the tender form and company that you want to submit a tender for.
  4. If the tenderer is already on the tender form, click their name to open the tender sheet.
    If you want to add a new tenderer, click the button. See Add Tenderers to a Tender Form.
  5. Fill in the tender sheet.
    Note: You can attach proposals and other documents in the Attachments section.
  6. Click Submit Tender.
 Legacy Content

The steps below are for projects that have not been updated to Tender Management Enhanced Experience.

  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool. 
  2. Click View on the relevant tender package.
  3. Click View next to the tenderer's name you want to submit on behalf of.
    Click the Add Tenderers button to add a new tenderer. See Search for and Invite Tenderers.
  4. Fill in the Tender Sheet section.
    Note: You can attach proposals and other documents in the Attachments section.
  5. Click Submit Tender.

See Also