To migrate your Company's existing budget modifications data to the required format, so your team can use the budget changes feature.
The new Budget Changes feature is replacing the existing budget modifications feature. Starting in October 2022, Procore will be working with Procore customers to migrate from budget modifications to the Budget Changes feature by a date that has yet to be determined. Once you migrate, you will no longer have access to the budget modifications feature. If you have any questions before your company starts the migration, contact your Procore point of contact.
A new Budget tool configure setting is available after migrating your company to Budget Changes, 'Require net zero Budget Change Amounts'. When the setting is turned OFF, users can create Budget Changes that do not require adjustments to be balanced. When the setting is turned ON, adjustments are required to equal a net-zero total change. See Configure Settings: Budget.
'Require net zero Budget Change Amounts' is turned OFF by default. However, the setting will be copied to new projects if a project template is used. See What gets copied over to a new project when applying a project template?
When migrating from Budget Modifications to Budget Changes, Procore will turn the setting ON or OFF based on the following project settings:
If ‘Allow Budget Modifications Which Modify Grand Total’ is turned ON, ‘Require net zero Budget Change Amounts’ will be turned OFF.
For companies using the ERP Integrations tool: Show/Hide
Want to try Budget Changes before migration?
Procore provides each customer with the option to opt in to access a unique Monthly Sandbox environment that can be used for testing new features prior to their release in Production. The Monthly Sandbox is different from a Sandbox Test Project.
See What is the Monthly Sandbox Environment? for details.
When you are ready to migrate, follow the steps below:
After the migration is complete, every budget modification on all your company's projects is mapped to a new budget change. You can edit and delete any budget changes created from existing modifications and they will be synced with your ERP integration if applicable.
All labels and references to 'budget modifications' in Procore's user interface are updated to 'budget changes'. After clicking Programme Migration below, the migration will be programmed for the next day at 3:00 AM EST. No new budget modifications can be created, edited or deleted once the migration starts. After migration is complete, you can Create Budget Changes.
The migration process also requires the users at your Company to use the modernised Change Events experience. To learn about the experience, see Project Financials: Modernised Change Events Experience.
This action cannot be undone. Reach out to your Procore point of contact if you have any questions before you begin the migration.