Add Financial Markup to Commitment Variations


To add financial markup to a commitment variation.


To learn about markup, see What is the difference between horizontal and vertical financial markup?

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to your project's Commitments tool.
  2. Click the Contracts tab. 
  3. Locate the purchase order or subcontract to work without. Then click its Number link to open it. 
  4. Click the Financial Markup tab. 
    • If the 'Financial Markup' tab is NOT visible, check the More menu to see if it is listed.
    • If 'Financial Markup' is not available in the More menu, the feature is likely disabled on your project. To learn more, see Enable Financial Markup on a Commitment.    
  1. Under Financial Markup Settings, you have these options:
    • New Horizontal Markup. Click this button to display the markup in the same row as the line items. 
    • New Vertical Markup.  Click this button to display the markup below the line items. 
      This opens a page when you can then create your markup.  
  2. Enter information in the Add Horizontal Markup or Add Vertical Markup window as follows:

    • Markup Name
      Enter a name for the financial markup. 
    • Markup Percentage
      Enter the percentage for the markup.
    • Compounds Markup Above
      Choose from these options:
      • To calculate the markup amount on the variation subtotal using the defined 'Markup Percentage', move the toggle to the right so it's in the ON position.
      • To turn this feature off, move the toggle to the left. 
  3. Under 'Applies To' in the Cost Types box, all available cost types are listed by default. See What are Procore's default cost types? and Add Company Cost Types. To remove one or more cost types, click the 'x' next to the desired selections.
  4. Click Save.

See Also