To create Accident entries in the project's Site Diary tool.
The Accidents section tracks the party or company involved in any accidents that occurred onsite.
#: This uneditable field counts the number of entries in a section (e.g. the first entry created will be # 1, and the second entry will be # 2).
Log Date: This field specifies the date that the site diary entry applies to. This field will only display when viewing multiple days in the Site Diary tool and is uneditable.
Time: Indicate the time the entry happened by selecting the hour and minutes from the drop-down menus.
Party Involved: Enter the name of the person involved in the accident or enter a new name to have it add it to the entry. The party must be added to the Directory tool to be selected in this drop-down menu. See Add a User Account to the Project Directory.
Company Involved: Enter the company that was involved in the accident. Double-click to display a list of companies from your Directory tool.
Comments: Enter any comments that may be needed to further describe the entry.
Attachments: Attach any additional files to the entry. Click Attach File(s) and then drag-and-drop a file from your computer to the Drag and Drop your File(s) area or click Upload Files to select a file from your computer. Once you save your item, users will be able to view the attachment in Procore's viewer or download the attachment.