Email a MC/Client Payment application from the Progress Billings Tool

 Limited Release
flag-us.png The Progress Billings tool is only available to Procore customers in the United States who have implemented the Procore for Speciality Contractors point-of-view dictionary. To learn more, see (Limited Release) Owners & Speciality Contractors Point-of-View Dictionary Options


To email an owner payment application to one or more Procore project users. 


You can create an owner payment application that bills against a main contract and then email it to your recipients. If you need to send your payment application to the project owner, this method allows them to view the payment application in your Procore (only they have a Procore user account and you've granted the user access). This proves useful when you want to capture the owner's written approval or rejection reason in writing. Procore automatically stores all replies from recipients in the 'From' address of your outgoing message in the Emails tab of the payment application. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
  • Additional Information:
    • Clicking the Email Payment application button sends a copy of the payment application's 'Detail' tab to the designated recipients.



  1. Navigate to the Project level Payment applications tool. 
  2. Click the Owner tab. 
  3. Locate the payment application to send by email. 
  4. Click the Payment application # link to open it. 
  5. Click the Emails tab. 
  6. Click Compose Email
    This opens the Compose New Email page. 
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • Private. Mark this tickbox to make the email private. Private emails are only shared with the recipient(s) and the sender.
    • To. Type to search the Project Directory for a list of matching recipient(s). 
    • CC. Type to search the Project Directory for a list of matching recipient(s) to carbon copy. Your name appears here by default. 
    • BCC. Type to search the Project Directory for a list of matching recipient(s) to carbon copy. 
    • Subject. This field will populate with the number of the payment application. The subject line is added automatically. You can change it if you want. 
    • Message. Type the body of your email message. 
    • Attachments. Attach any related documents or files.
  8. Click Send.
    A YELLOW 'Communication Created' banner appears to confirm the outgoing message has been created and added to Procore's outgoing email queue.
    • A record of your outgoing message is saved in the 'Emails' tab on the payment application.
    • Any messages sent to the 'From' address on your outgoing message are automatically saved in the payment application's 'Emails' tab. This provides your message recipients with the convenience to use the reply feature in their email program. It also captures your collaborator's approve or reject responses in writing. 

Next Steps

See Also