Disable Weekly Project and Resource Programme Emails
To disable the automatic sending of Weekly Project and Resource programmes to your project and site team.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' permissions on the project's Programme tool.
Note: To view or edit information on the Permissions Table page for the Programme tool, 'Admin' permission to the project's Directory tool is also required.
- Requirements:
- Additional Information:
- Emails will NOT be sent automatically if there are no to-do items or tasks for the given time period or if tasks are 100% complete. However, emails will still be sent if Send Project Programme Now is clicked.
- Navigate to the project's Schedule tool.
- Click the Configure Settings
- Click Email Settings.
- Choose which emails you want to disable:
- If you want to stop project programme emails from being sent, clear the tickbox next to Enable Weekly in the Weekly Project Programme section.
- If you want to stop project resource emails from being sent, clear the tickbox next to Enable Weekly in the Weekly Resources Programme section.
- Click Update.