Daywork Sheets - Workflow Diagrams Last updated Save as PDF Request a Signature on a Daywork SheetRequest a Signature o...Create a Daywork SheetCreate a Daywork Sheet STARTSTARTStatus updated to 'In Progress'Status updated to...Are you ready to collect signatures from the company and customer signees?Are you ready to collect signatures fr...Edit a Daywork SheetEdit a Daywork Sheet Signature RequestedSignature RequestedSign a Daywork Sheet Sign a Daywork Sheet Request a Signature on a Daywork SheetRequest a Signature o...Status Updated to'Field Verified'Status Updated to...Sign a Daywork SheetSign a Daywork Sheet Signature RequestedSignature RequestedStatus Updated to 'Ready for Review'Status Updated to 'Ready for Review'Send a copy of the signed sheet to your customer?Send a copy of the signed...Email a Daywork SheetEmail a Daywork Sheet Associate this sheet with a change event?Associate this sheet wit...Create a Change Event from a Daywork SheetCreate a Change Event...NEWNEWEXISTINGEXISTINGAssociate sheet with a new change event or an existing change event?Associate sheet with a n...Add a Daywork Sheet to an Existing Change EventAdd a Daywork Sheet to a...Export to PDF?Export to PDF?Status Updated to 'Closed'Status Updated to 'Closed'Close Daywork SheetClose Daywork Sheet ENDENDReopen a Daywork SheetReopen a Daywork Sheet LEGENDLEGENDOptional StepOptional StepAvailable on WebAvailable on Web'Standard' level permissions or higher on Daywork Sheets'Standard' level permissions or higher on Daywork T...Company SigneeCompany SigneeCustomer SigneeCustomer Signee'Standard' level permissions or higher on Change Events and Daywork Sheets'Standard' level permissions or higher on Change Events and Daywork T...Available on MobileAvailable on Mobi...Export a Daywork Sheet to PDFExport a Daywork Sheet t...