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How does Procore automatically complete amounts on an owner payment application? (Beta)

 In Beta
This page details the modernised owner payment application experience.
 For Procore Customers in the United States

flag-us.png  When your company applies the 'Owners English' or 'Speciality Contractors English' point-of-view dictionary, you'll see different tool names and term changes in the user interface. Learn how to apply the dictionary options. 

  • To learn the differences: Show/Hide      
    • This table shows the differences in tool names (bold) and terms across the point-of-view dictionaries for Project Financials. These dictionaries are available in US English only. The default dictionary is designed for main contractors, which means that you will need to work with your Procore Administrator at your company and your Procore point of contact to access the other dictionary options. 

      Main Contractors

      English (United States) - Default


      English (Owner Terminology V2)

      Speciality Contractors

      English (Speciality Contractor Terminology)

      Payment Applications Payment Applications Progress Billings
      Owner Funding Owner
      Owner/Client Owner/Client MC/Client
      Main Contract Variation Funding Variation Client Contract Variation
      Main Contracts Funding Client Contracts
      Revenue Funding Revenue
      Subcontract Contract Subcontract
      Subcontractor Contractor Subcontractor
      Subcontractor Bill of Quantities (SBOQ) Contractor Bill of Quantities (CBOQ) Subcontractor Bill of Quantities (SBOQ)


Mark one or more tickboxes to turn a prefill option ON when creating main contract payment applications in the Main Contracts tool. These options allow Procore to automatically complete amounts on the owner payment application using data from eligible budget code line items on subcontractor payment applicationsdirect costs, and commitment variations in the approved statuses. 

Prefill options are only available when creating main contract payment applications. Procore does not allow users to prefill payment applications after clicking Create.  


Prefill Options for Main Contract Payment Applications

This table describes the prefill options for main contract payment applications.

Checkbox Mark the tickbox to turn ON and... Remove the tickbox to turn OFF...
Populate the Bill of Quantities with Costs from the Selected Billing Period Populate the line items in the bill of quantities with eligible costs from corresponding budget codes on Approved subcontractor payment applications, direct costs and commitment variations for the same billing period as the owner payment application. 

  • Subcontractor payment applications must be in the Approved, Approved as Noted or Pending Approval status. 
  • Direct costs and commitment variations must be in the Approved status.
  • Direct costs must have a 'Received Date' in the same billing period as the owner payment application.
  • Commitment variations will autofill to a main contract variation if they are linked by a change event. If the commitment variation is not connected to a main contract variation via a change event, it will autofill into the BOQ with a matching budget code (if there is one). If there isn’t a BOQ line that matches the budget code, the commitment variation will not prefill.
  • What is meant by a matching budget code?
    A direct cost will prefill to the main BOQ only when:
    • All segments for the budget code, including cost code and cost type, match exactly.
    • The main BOQ line item is using a division code and the cost uses a cost code that is part of that division. For example, a main BOQ line item using 01.O will prefill all costs from 01-100.S, 01-500.L or 01-200-20.O.
Procore does NOT populate the bill of quantities with costs. Users must manually enter the bill of quantities data. 
Also Populate with Retention from the Selected Billing Period Only available when Populate the Bill of Quantities with Costs from the Selected Billing Period is ON. 

Populates the the Work Retention this Period (£), Materials Retention (£) and Total Retention Released (£) columns in the bill of quantities with calculated retention values from eligible subcontractor payment applications in the Approved status. 

  • Procore only calculates retention values when corresponding retention values from eligible subcontractor payment applications are non-zero monetary amounts. 
Procore does NOT populate the programme with calculated retention values from eligible subcontractor payment applications in the Approved status. 
Include Backup from Direct Costs and Payment applications in the Selected Billing Period Populates the payment application's Attachments card with these sections: Uploaded Attachments, Attachments from Subcontractor Payment applications and Attachments from Direct Costs. It also: Procore does NOT include a payment application backup. Instead, the payment application includes the Uploaded Attachments card to add attachments.