What is the Budget Forecast Report?


This report is only available when Procore's Budget tool is not being used. When the Budget tool is being used, the Budget tool itself serves the purpose of this report. For more information on Procore's budget tool, see Budget tutorials


Procore's Budget Forecast tool provides a breakdown of the budget and costs of a project organized by cost code. Additionally, it allows you to forecast the Cost to Complete.

Navigate to the tool by clicking the "Budget Forecast Report" link on the main contract in the Main Contracts, Commitments or Reports tools. The report is divided into 3 sections: Main Contracts, Commitments and Forecast.

  1. Main Contracts:
    • Original Budget: Main Contract Bill of Quantities
    • BOQs Current Budget: Original Budget plus any Approved Main Contract Variations
    • Projected Budget: Original Budget plus the Current Budget and any Pending Main Contract Variations
    • Anticipated Budget: projected Budget plus any Draft Main Contract Variations
  2. Commitments:
    • Committed Costs: Approved Commitments plus Approved Commitment Variations
    • Uncommitted Costs: Pending Commitments, meaning the difference between the budgeted amount and what has been committed 
    • Pending Commitments: Pending Commitment Variations
    • Projected Costs: Committed Cost plus Uncommitted Costs and Pending Commitments
    • Anticipated Costs: Projected Costs plus all Draft Commitments and Draft Commitment Variations
  3. Forecast:
    • Modification: An editable column that allows you to better forecast Cost to Complete. Once values are entered, Procore will automatically save these values
    • Projected Over/Under: Projected Budget plus the Modification minus the Projected costs
    • Anticipated Over/Under: Anticipated Budget plus the Modification value minus Anticipated costs

See Also