The following page highlights the most significant changes that were made to the Procore for Android application in 2015.
5.9.2 (December 30, 2015)
- Bug fixes and improvements
5.9.1 (December 22, 2015)
- Internal improvements and bug fixes
5.9.0 (December 14, 2015)
- Specifications tool for beta customers
- Linked Drawings to RFIs
- Bug fixes and improvements
5.8.0 (December 2, 2015)
- Drawings by Area
- French language support
- Privacy policy link in settings page
- Create a change event from an RFI
5.7.0 (November 23, 2015)
- Support for Android M (6.0)
- Application Performance Improvements
- Bug Fixes
5.6.2 (November 4, 2015)
- New Calendar View in the Programme tool
- Users can attach a photo to the weather log
- Users can markup outside the boundaries of a drawing
- Share photos to other apps on your device via Photos tool
- Performance Improvements
- Bug Fixes
5.6.0 (October 28, 2015)
- Bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- These would be the customer-facing things we did. Let me know if you need more detail
5.5.0 (October 19, 2015)
- Added multi-tiered locations
- Users can attach photos to the manpower diary
5.4.0 (October 1, 2015)
- Add photos to all site diaries
- Search snag list by type
- Rename and delete photo albums
- Added Change Events Tool (Beta)
5.3.0 (September 16, 2015)
- Internal Improvements
5.2.0 (August 3, 2015)
- Sped up Camera
- Began working toward into including Spec on submittals
- Added horizontal scroll-view of images in snag list view page
- Updated Android Share Icon
- Added Orange Header Font
5.1.0 (July 28, 2015)
- Now if you're online and select a project, wait for a while (like 5-10 minutes), then go off line and go into site diaries -> equipment log -> Create new item -> click on "Enter Equipment Name", the list of equipment should pop up even though the device is off-line.
- The main page of the app will display "no projects" when logging in without projects.
- Added the Main Contract tool.
5.0.0 (July 8, 2015)
- Implemented Android UI/UX Redesign of the whole application.
- Added the multi-person picker when adding an attendee through through 'add' on attendee list view needs to be multi person picker.
- Allowed inline status change to Inspections
- Added ability to see submittal package attachments
- Added quick create button from the projects list to create a snag list, create an inspection or create a meeting without having to go into the tool.
- Linked application to app.procore.com instead of procoretech.com.
4.13.0 / 4.13.3 (June 9-19, 2015)
- Added ability to view commitment details
- Added Project Details tab in Information tool
- Users can now preview .txt in Documents tool
- Added text to the location search box in Snag List that says "Search/Add" as opposed to just "Search"
- Individualized photo names attached via "Choose from Procore"
- Added "Show Password" toggle button to the log in page to show the hidden password
- Documents tool code cleanup.
- In equipment log in Site Diary there is now an equipment picker instead of a free-text editor.
- When the user creates a new album in Photos with an album name that already exists, a toast appears saying that there was an error. The error should say that the album name already exists rather than saying "Error: 422: support@procore.com"
- Defaults to add a timecard entry in the Site Diary to 'Me'.
- Changed order of meeting categories to match web.
4.12 (May 15, 2015)
- Allowed photos to be viewed in Documents
- Added PDF rendering in Documents
- Re-worked how document versions look/work in Documents
- Updated the ordering of Site Diary entries
- Updated ordering of new custom tool iitems
- Assignee Picker should show all users from Project Directory instead of 'Standard' level users and above.
- Add a recent button to all pickers in the Site Diary to add recent items to the fields indicated.
- Add new header fonts to lists.
- Added ability to dynamically resize snag pin markups.
- Added ability to attach Documents and Submittals to Drawing markups.
- Text Cursor will always be on the right side of text when editing (e.g. deleting)
- Added ability to attach photos and documents from inside Procore as opposed to just from your mobile device.
- Added ability to view web attachments for Snag Lists on mobile device.
- # Field auto-populates for custom tools
4.11.3 (April 8, 2015)
- Added users to email contact list which was only showing companies
- Fixed an issue where the edit screen of the Trio/Note/Droid buttons overlap the text
- Added Null Pointer in Inspections
- Add Localisation for en_GB (Great Britain)
4.11.2 (April 7, 2015)
- Updated Inspections Activity Feed
- Placed Done and Clear buttons side by side
- Added more thickness of markup borders in Drawings
- Improved Feedback Verification message
- Choose from Library when replying to RFI and adding a photo
- Put Create button front and centre on empty lists.
4.11/4.11.1 (March 30, 2015)
- Added revision number to submittal title
4.10 (March 23, 2015)
- When logging out of the application, users will now receive a logout confirmation prompt
- "Official" RFI responses are now listed first, followed by the most recent replies
- Improvements to Inspections tool
- Contacts are now listed in alphabetical order in the Directory
- Resolved an issue where markups that were made to a drawing prior to the previous ones being displayed, would disappear when the previous markups were finally loaded.
- Improved navigation
- Continued work on Inspections
- Tick gesture to close snag items
- Inspections (Beta)
- Markup improvements (multi-line text fields and ui tweaks)
- Submittals QR code scanner
- Button to clear pickers quickly