Below are the notable changes to the Procore Android app in 2021.
2021.1215.0059 (14/12/2021)
- Fixed: Rare crash on app startup has been resolved
2021.1214.1740 (14/12/2021)
- Fixed: My Time no longer crashes
2021.1213.2228 (13/12/2021)
- Fixed: Improved reliability of PDFs in the app
- Fixed: A very small set of devices were crashing when the app started up. This no longer happens.
2021.1207.1843 (07/12/2021)
- Fixed: App will now start up normally
2021.1206.2222 (06/12/2021)
- Added: Support for Android 12
- Fixed: Fixed a rare crash when viewing a PDF attachment in Submittals
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes intermittently when creating observations from inspections
- Fixed: Daywork Sheets now properly saves items
2021.1202.0018 (01/12/2021)
- Fixed: Viewing PDFs in the Submittals tool no longer crashes
- Fixed: When creating or editing RFIs, the app no longer crashes
2021.1129.2209 (29/11/2021)
Note: This release will be rolled out over the course of 5 days.
- Fixed: Viewing attachments in tools no longer causes intermittent crashes
- Fixed: The Crews tool no longer shows inactive crew members or leads
2021.1115.2128 (15/11/2021)
- Fixed: Drawing sync status now returns to proper state after syncing is complete
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes when creating or editing Observations
- Fixed: Entries are now being created properly for Daywork labour/material/equipment
- Fixed: The standard meeting category "Uncategorised items" will now be translated in all supported languages within the Meetings tool
- Fixed: Drawings no longer cuts off text in the revision list
2021.1108.2025 (08/11/2021)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.1101.2019 (01/11/2021)
- Fixed: The Main Contracts tool no longer crashes when viewing a contract
2021.1026.2111 (26/10/2021)
- Fixed: Fixed an issue where some PDFs were crashing the app
2021.1025.1846 (25/10/2021)
- Changed: In Daywork Sheets, Labour Picker now only shows proper employees
- Fixed: Viewing PDFs no longer crashes the app
2021.1018.1953 (18/10/2021)
- Fixed: Timesheets location selection now respects the configuration setting for creation of locations
- Fixed: Submittals PDF attachments can be searched without intermittent crashes
2021.1004.1714 (04/10/2021)
- Fixed: Drawings tool will resize for accessibility
- Added: You can now use templates when creating an Observation from an Inspection Item
- Fixed: Toolbar no longer has text offset
2021.0928.1813 (28/09/2021)
- Fixed: Viewing photos no longer causes the app to crash
2021.0927.2200 (27/09/2021)
- Fixed: Tool titles are now properly aligned
- Fixed: Drawing revisions properly support larger font sizes
- Fixed: File attachments properly support larger font sizes
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes when searching Commitments
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes when loading Photos from Device
- Fixed: Create buttons now have consistent behaviour across tools
2021.0923.1617 (23/09/2021)
- Fixed: The Productivity Log in the Site Diary tool no longer crashes when adding a line item
2021.0920.2211 (20/09/2021)
- Fixed: Tool action buttons now have correct behaviour when scrolling
- Changed: All image types (such as HEIC) are now able to be selected when picking photos from a device
2021.0913.2104 (15/09/2021)
- Added: You can now filter tasks by Creator
2021.0907.2057 (08/09/2021)
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.0830.2225 (30/08/2021)
- Fixed: Title of PDF no longer gets cut off
- Fixed: The Attachments section no longer crashes when viewing pdfs
- Fixed: The Timesheets tool no longer crashes when adding budgeted quantities to a timesheet containing timecards without a cost code
- Fixed: In the Daywork Sheets tool, you can now select a person from the Company Directory again if configuration permits
2021.0823.2006 (23/08/2021)
- Added: There are now new searching, sorting and grouping options when choosing to import photos from your device
- Fixed: The Location filter in the Correspondence tool now works as expected
- Fixed: Adding a text markup to a drawing no longer crashes the app
- Fixed: Searching within the Photos tool no longer crashes the app
- Fixed: Searching for countries, states and permission templates in the Directory tool now works properly
2021.0816.2033 (16/08/2021)
- Changed: Uploading files with the same name into the Documents tool will now append an incremented number to the filename to indicate it is a duplicated file
2021.0810.1932 (10/08/2021)
- Fixed: Loading the Drawings tool list no longer crashes the app
2021.0804.2033 (04/08/2021)
- Fixed: Addressed some rare cases where the app could crash when in the background on certain screens
- Fixed: Forms tool no longer crashes when searching
2021.0803.2116 (03/08/2021)
- Fixed: Correspondence items can now be viewed for 'Read Only' users
- Fixed: Downloading a drawing revision no longer clears your search
- Fixed: Restored the correct transition animations between screens
- Added: The 'My Open Items' section in the dashboard now includes tasks
- Added: Tasks can now be filtered by ownership
- Fixed: Manpower log should hide Cost Code and Trade fields when configurable field set is turned off
2021.0727.2232 (27/07/2021)
- Fixed: The Weather log in the Site Diary tool is once again editable with the correct permissions
- Added: Projects can now be sorted by name or number
- Fixed: Single and multi-select custom fields list now display in the correct order
2021.0720.2139 (20/07/2021)
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.0716.1443 (16/07/2021)
- Fixed: Ad-blockers will no longer prevent logging in
2021.0715.1809 (15/07/2021)
- Added: Procore Certification link in Settings page
2021.0713.1933 (13/07/2021)
- Added: Correspondence items are now supported by the Locations tool.
- Fixed: Incident Records properly respect configurable fieldsets.
2021.0707.1708 (07/07/2021)
- Fixed: App no longer crashes when checking if there is internet connectivity.
2021.0706.1856 (06/07/2021)
- Fixed: The Drawings tool search no longer causes the keyboard to flicker
- Fixed: Addressed stability issue in the Site Diary tool
2021.0701.2344 (01/07/2021)
- Fixed: App no longer crashes when loading data on startup
2021.0701.1656 (01/07/2021)
- Fixed: Dialogues no longer intermittently crash when opening
- Fixed: Site Diary entry times now respect the 24hr vs. 12hr setting on the device
- Fixed: When attaching a photo that was marked up to an item, the entry should now properly save the attachment
- Fixed: Site Diary Timecard entries now correctly respect Company level rounding configurations
- Added: We added a new Task Groups view to the Programme tool
2021.0622.2259 (22/06/2021)
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.0622.2050 (22/06/2021)
- Fixed: Submittals sync now correctly syncs once
2021.0621.2228 (21/06/2021)
- Fixed: The RFI tool now properly respects permissions
- Fixed: Picking an Assignee now properly works when the device doesn't have internet connection
- Fixed: Save button in the photo edit screen is now visible when it's enabled
2021.0615.1752 (17/06/2021)
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.0610.1927 (10/06/2021)
- Fixed: Addressed stability issue in Site Diary
2021.0609.2253 (09/06/2021)
- Fixed: In the Snag List tool, comments that exceed 3 lines are no longer cut off and can be expanded to view the full text
- Fixed: Equipment no longer crashes when trying to create equipment
- Fixed: Site Diary entry times now respect the 24hr vs. 12hr setting on the device
2021.0609.0051 (08/06/2021)
- Fixed: We restored functionality when viewing attachments
2021.0602.2140 (02/06/2021)
- Changed: Redesigned the toolbars to provide a consistent experience
2021.0601.1911 (01/06/2021)
- Fixed: My Time loading performance has been improved for users that have access to many projects
2021.0529.0006 (28/05/2021)
- Fixed: PDFs no longer intermittently crash when viewing Drawings
2021.0526.2132 (26/05/2021)
- Fixed: When sharing an Observation as a PDF, it will correctly include accented letters in the name the file from the title of the Observation
- Fixed: The app should no longer crash when searching within the Inspections tool
- Fixed: Allow 24-hour format when picking a time in certain languages
- Fixed: Creating new entries in the Forms tool now properly work
- Fixed: Collaborator user can now select company or employees in Manpower Diary
2021.0512.2008 (12/05/2021)
- Fixed: Downloading PDFs no longer crashes the app
2021.0507.1657 (07/05/2021)
- Fixed: Selecting photos from the device no longer crashes the app
2021.0505.2208 (05/05/2021)
- Fixed: The original file name is now preserved when uploading files to Procore
- Fixed: Correspondence item details now load properly when offline
- Fixed: The Daywork Sheets tool no longer crashes when editing a sheet
- Fixed: The Inspections tool no longer crashes when searching the list
2021.0430.1802 (30/04/2021)
- Fixed: Filtering by Resource in the Programme tool is now fixed
2021.0429.1849 (29/04/2021)
- Fixed: Changing the approval status of a timesheet no longer fails
2021.0429.1343 (29/04/2021)
- Fixed: Forms now properly sort by the date they were created
2021.0428.2309 (28/04/2021)
- Fixed: When comparing two drawings, the app should no longer crash when trying to select the second drawing to compare against
- Fixed: Timesheets classification default no longer set to "None" when set not visible
2021.0421.2109 (21/04/2021)
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada/Singapore/United Arab Emirates), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
- Fixed: Forms sort alphabetically by form name
2021.0414.2251 (14/04/2021)
- Fixed: Drawing hyperlinks now properly open other drawings when clicked on
2021.0413.1418 (13/04/2021)
- Fixed: Drawing links are now fixed
2021.0408.1821 (12/04/2021)
- Fixed: When swiping between drawings, they are properly shown in the correct order
2021.0407.1818 (07/04/2021)
- Fixed: Users with 'Standard' level permissions to the RFIs tool are properly restricted from removing Default Distribution List when creating or editing an RFI
- Fixed: The Project Directory now allows users with granular permissions to assign permission templates during user creation
- Changed: In the Site Diary tool's Manpower Log, the 'Man Hours' field is now known as 'Total Hours'.
- Added: Multi Window support to allow running Procore next to other applications and enable window resizing in Samsung Dex
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada/Singapore/United Arab Emirates), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
- Fixed: Attachments now open properly on non-PDF files in the Submittals tool
- Fixed: The Snag List tool now properly supports creating subsequent snag items
- Fixed: The Correspondence tool no longer crashes when downloading attachments
2021.0405.1449 (05/04/2021)
- Fixed: PDF page list no longer crashes
2021.0330.2230 (30/03/2021)
- Fixed: The PDF Page list now functions properly and no longer crashes intermittently
2021.0329.2216 (29/03/2021)
- Bug fixes and improvements
2021.0329.2353 (29/03/2021)
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
- Fixed: Drawing markup links now correctly display the linked drawing
2021.0324.2109 (24/03/2021)
- Fixed: The Attachment viewer no longer crashes on some devices when sharing
- Fixed: The app will no longer occasionally crash when printing a document, file or image
2021.0317.2326 (17/03/2021)
- Added: You can now change the status of timesheets & timecard entries in the Timesheets tool
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
2021.0316.1449 (16/03/2021)
- Fixed: Drawing bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.0315.1446 (15/03/2021)
- Fixed: Drawing bug fixes and performance improvements
2021.0312.2246 (13/03/2021)
- Fixed: The attachment viewer in the Submittals tool no longer crashes when viewing PDFs on Android 8 devices and older
2021.0311.0648 (11/03/2021)
- Fixed: The Drawings tool no longer crashes when panning or zooming a drawing
2021.0310.2335 (10/03/2021)
- Changed: Loading performance on the Timesheets tool has been improved
- Fixed: The Forms tool no longer shows a limited recipient list when sending emails
- Fixed: The Daywork Sheets tool no longer crashes when creating line items offline
2021.0308.2004 (08/03/2021)
- Fixed: The app correctly displays the Action Plans tool
2021.0303.2258 (03/03/2021)
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
2021.0301.1734 (01/03/2021)
- Added: Granular permissions support for the Action Plans tool
2021.0224.2141 (24/02/2021)
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes when downloading a PDF in Submittals
- Fixed: The Correspondence tool now respects the private by default configuration
- Fixed: The quick create feature now works as expected for the Timesheets and Correspondence tools
2021.0217.2205 (17/02/2021)
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
- Fixed: The Directory tool no longer crashes when creating a new contact
- Fixed: The following has been addressed in custom tools:
- Selected values will not be lost when uploading
- The Specification Section selector field now properly displays the selected value
- The multi-person selector field in now works as expected
- Fixed: Drawing calibration marks now properly show the calibration dialogue
2021.0211.2131 (11/02/2021)
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes at times when viewing photos
- Fixed: Linking documents to a markup in the Drawings tool works again
2021.0210.2318 (10/02/2021)
- Fixed: The Inspections tool no longer crashes occasionally when marking a section as N/A
- Added: Added additional translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages
- Fixed: The Drawing calibration prompt no longer crashes intermittently
2021.0203.2227 (03/02/2021)
- Fixed: The Camera no longer crashes intermittently
- Fixed: The app no longer crashes intermittently when starting
- Fixed: The Incident injury description field now respects field configurations
2021.0202.2350 (02/02/2021)
- Fixed: The Commitments tool properly syncs Purchase Order line items
2021.0128.2159 (28/01/2021)
- Fixed: Custom tools should no longer crash when selecting a cost code
2021.0127.2208 (27/01/2021)
- Fixed: Search text is now visible when searching for companies to add to a Manpower entry in the Site Diary tool
2021.0121.1636 (21/01/2021)
- Fixed: Drawings no longer crash when accessing linked drawings
2021.0121.0030 (20/01/2021)
- Fixed: Drawing comparisons no longer crash when opening the comparison screen
- Fixed: The Commitments tool should now accept decimal numbers for the line items
- Fixed: Searching within the Inspections tool should no longer crash the app with certain search inputs
- Fixed: In the Drawings tool, the discipline sections should now match the same sorting order as web
2021.0116.0006 (15/01/2021)
- Fixed: The Observation Type picker screen should now properly load data
2021.0114.0016 (13/01/2021)
- Changed: Hour and Quantity limits have been increased in the Daywork Sheets tool
- Fixed: The Comment field on a Snag List item now supports multiple line text input
2021.0107.0447 (07/01/2021)
- Changed: Procore Android now supports Android 7.0 and later. See Procore Android App: No Longer Providing Updates for Android 6.0 and Earlier.
- Changed: Faster and smaller drawing list loads
- Fixed: The Inspections tool no longer crashes when editing inspections
- Fixed: Creating line items for change events no longer intermittently fails
- Added: Added more translations for English (Australia/Great Britain/Canada), Spanish (Latin America/Spain), French (Canada/France), German, Icelandic, Portuguese and Thai languages