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Directory: New Granular Permission for the Site Diary

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Feature Released: May 29, 2019


Ability for 'Standard' Users to Edit and Delete Their Own Site Diary Entries

Procore has added a new granular permission to the Company Directory that allows 'Standard' users to edit and delete their own entries for any Sections in the site diary as long as the day is not marked as complete. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

While users with 'Standard' permissions to the Site Diary are able to add entries to any Log available in the project, only 'Admin' users can edit or delete these entries if a modification needs to be made. The new 'Standard Users Can Edit and Delete Own Entries' granular permission is beneficial if you want internal users to be able to add, edit and delete their own entries, without assigning them 'Admin' permissions that would allow them to edit any entries and mark a day as complete.

Things to Consider

Important! To enable this granular permission in a permission template and apply it to users, the permissions for the Site Diary tool must be set to 'Standard,' and only the tickbox for 'Standard Users Can Edit and Delete Own Entries' should be marked (see image below).



  • If you want external collaborators to be able to add entries to a limited portion of the Site Diary, use the 'Collaborator Entry Only' granular permission instead. 
  • If both granular permission tickboxes are marked in the same permission template, the 'Collaborator Entry Only' permission will override the 'Standard' Users Can Edit and Delete Own Entries' permission.
    • If you want to have these granular permissions available to assign to different user groups, there will need to be two separate permission templates configured in the Company Directory:
      • A permission template to apply to 'Standard' users: Select 'Standard' permissions for the Site Diary tool and mark the tickbox next to 'Standard Users Can Edit and Delete Own Entries'.
      • A permission template to apply to collaborators: Select 'Read Only' or 'Standard' permissions for the Site Diary tool and mark the tickbox next to 'Collaborator Entry Only'.

See Also


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