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Release Notes for 2019-11-25

iOS | Android | Windows | API | Imports | Drive | Sync

Construction Platform Release Notes

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, November 22, 2019.

Core Tools

No notable changes.

Project Management

Bulk Compare a Drawing Set to its Previous Version

Procore has added a feature to the Drawings tool that allows users to compare an entire set of drawings to its previous version at one time. See Compare Drawing Revisions. When you compare a set of drawings, an email will be sent to you with a PDF that shows each drawing compared to its previous revision. This allows users in a project to quickly view all design changes that exist in a new set of drawings.

Add Actions to Incidents and Create Observations from Actions

Users can now record actions taken resulting from an incident. Users with the appropriate permissions on the Observations tool can also create an observation directly from an incident action. See Add an Action to an Incident.

New Granular Permission to View Private RFIs Associated to Users within Same Company

Procore has added a new granular permission to allow users to view an RFI marked 'Private' if another user in their company is the RFI's creator or is designated as the RFI Manager, an Assignee or a Distribution List member. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

Financial Management

No notable changes.

Resource Management

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

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