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Portfolio - Release Notes

Below are the notable changes to the company's Portfolio tool. 

Recent Changes

Project Template Improvements for RFI and Admin Tools (21/01/2025)

Project templates now carry over more settings and data from the Admin tool to projects created from those templates. These changes will impact projects created from project templates moving forward and do not impact existing projects already created using a template.

With this improvement, additional fields in the project Admin tool, such as language selection and location fields, now carry over. See What gets copied over to a new project from a project template? for details.

Project Template Improvements for Drawings, Photos and Specifications Tools (13/01/2025)

Project templates now carry over more settings and data from Drawings, Photos and Specifications to projects created from those templates. These changes will impact projects created from project templates moving forward and do not impact existing projects already created using a template.

With this improvement, all settings for Drawings carry over, but individual drawings do not. All settings for Specifications carry over, but individual specifications do not. All settings for Photos now carry over, as well as albums and album order, but individual photos do not. See What gets copied over to a new project from a project template? for details.