Edit a Custom Prequalification Question


To edit a custom question on the prequalification form.


Once a custom question has been created and added to the Prequalificatioin form you can go back and edit the question. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the company's Prequalifications tool.
  2. Click the Form tab.
  3. Click the Edit icon-edit.png icon.
  4. Navigate to a category (e.g. General Information, Safety, Insurance and  Bonding, Financials) and click the caret to expand the 'Additional Information' subsection.
    Note: Each category on the form has an 'Additional Information' subsection with the option to add custom questions using the Add Question button. Scroll to the end of the section/subsection you want to add a custom question to.
  5. Under 'Additional Information', click the vertical ellipses then click Edit.
  6. Edit the question to your preference.
    Note: When editing a Yes or No question type you can only update the text in the question field. 
  7. Click Update.

Edit Question Types

The following question types can only be changed when editing the question field text:

See Also