Create a Tender Package


To create a tender package in a project's Tendering tool.


Procore's Tendering tool allows companies to distribute tender documents, manage tender lists and invite tenderers via email. Once invited, tenderers can log in to Procore to retrieve tender documents and submit their tender.

Things to Consider





  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool.
  2. Click Create Tender Package.
  3. Enter the following information:
    Note: Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*).
    • General Information:
      • Title of Package*: Enter a title for your tender package (e.g. Plumbing). This will show up on the Tendering tool’s list page and in the email that your subcontractors will receive.
      • Number: Enter a number for your tender package. If you have existing tender packages, this field will populate with the next number in the sequence.
      • Status: Select 'Open' if the tender package is still in progress. Select 'Closed' if the tender has been awarded and closed. Once a tender is 'Closed', tenderers will be unable to see the tender information.
      • Tender Due Date*: Set the date and time when this tender will be due. If you receive authorization to extend the tender, you'll have to change the Tender Due Date to reflect this; otherwise, tenderers may not be able to enter their amounts if they're attempting to enter their quotes after the initial tender due date. You may enable the option to allow tender submissions after the due date. See Configure Advanced Settings: Tendering for more information. This will appear on the invitation email your subcontractors will receive. Note: You can check the 'To be determined' tickbox if the tender due date is undetermined.
      • Tender Sheet Accounting Method*: Choose whether you would like an Amount Based or Unit/Quantity Based accounting method on your Tender Sheet.
      • Disable Itemized Tendering: Check this box if you want to allow tenderers to submit tenders that are not itemized, which changes tendering from the line item specific tendering to one lump sum.
        Note: This option will only be available if you selected Amount Based as your Tender Sheet Accounting Method. If enabled, cost codes will be disabled on the tender package.

        For new projects using Tender Management Enhanced Experience, the 'Bid Sheet Accounting Method' and 'Disable Itemized Tendering' settings are no longer available.

        Instead of being restricted to one accounting method for an entire tender package, you have the flexibility to choose an accounting method for each line item in the 'Field Response Type' column on tender forms. For more information, see Tendering: Flexible Response Types.

    • Package Contents:
      • Primary Tendering Contact*: Specify a primary contact from whose name you want the tender invitation to be sent.
        Note: The primary contact's name will show on the tender invitation and any correspondence as well as receive all tender emails instead of the tender package creator.
      • Tendering CC Group: Add members to this list who will be notified when tenders are submitted.
    • Project Description: Enter a description that will appear on the invitation email that is sent to invited tenderers.
      Note: You can set a default for this field in the Company Admin tool to have them populate each time you create a tender package. See Set the Default Company Tendering Configuration.
    • Tendering Instructions: Enter instructions that will show on the Tender Sheet and include a link to Procore's Tendering Support page to provide tenderers with quick access on how to download tender documents.
      Note: You can set a default for this field in the Company Admin tool to have them populate each time you create a tender package. See Set the Default Company Tendering Configuration.
    • Pre-tender Information:
      • RFI Deadline: Click to enable a pre-tender RFI deadline.
        • Set a date and time.
      • Site Walkthrough: Click to enable pre-tender Walkthrough.
        • Set a date and time.
        • Walkthrough Notes: Enter any relevant information about the walkthrough.
    • Advanced Settings:
      • Anticipated Award Date: Set an anticipated award date for the package. This date will display on the Tender sheet.
      • Countdown Email(s): Click to enable daily countdown emails being sent to all tenderers who have not declined to tender, starting at the specified number of days prior to the due date.
      • Accept Submissions past Due Date: Click if you would like to allow users to submit tender submissions after the specified due date.
      • Enable Blind Tendering: Click if you do not want to see any tender amounts or receive any notification emails when tenders are placed until the due date. See What is blind tendering?
        • Optional:  When Blind Tendering is toggled ON, a manager can be assigned from the project's Directory as the user responsible for revealing the tenders when they are ready to be reviewed. See Show or Hide Blind Tenders on a Tender Package.  The Blind Tendering Manager will receive an email notification once the tender package has been created. If no manager is assigned, the submitted tenders will be revealed on the Tender Due Date.
      • Disable Electronic Submission of Tenders: Click on for projects that do not allow subcontractors to submit tenders electronically.
      • Include Tender Documents: Click if you want to include the Tender documents as downloadable files in the Tender Package invitation email.
      • Tender Submission Confirmation Message: Enter a message that will be sent to tenderers once they submit their tender.
        Note: You can set a default for this field in the Company Admin tool to have them pre-populate each time you create a tender package. See Set the Default Company Tendering Configuration.
  4. Click Create Tender Package.
  5. If you want to attach files to the tender package, see the 'Attach Tender Documents' section below. Click Skip if you want to add them later.

Attach Tender Documents

Note: We recommend creating a designated folder in the project's Documents tool to upload tender documents to (for example, 'Bid Documents'). See Create a Folder. You can create unlimited subfolders for each tender package and upload the relevant documents into each area. See Upload Tender Documents or Upload Files or Folders to the Project Level Documents Tool.

  1. On the Attach Files page, add files from the following tools as necessary.
    • Drawings:
      1. Click Drawings.
      2. Select Current or Drawing Sets.
      3. Mark the tickbox next to the drawings that you want to attach.
        • If you have Drawing Areas enabled, you can only select drawings from one Drawing Area at a time. See Enable or Disable Drawings Areas for more information.
        • You can change the view to either List View or Thumbnail View when selecting drawings. 
        • You can filter drawings by Set, Discipline or Keyword Search.
    • Documents:
      1. Click Documents.
      2. Mark the tickbox next to the files and folders that you want to include in the tender package.
    • Specifications:
      1. Click Specifications.
      2. Click Current Specs or Spec Sets.
      3. Mark the tickbox next to the Specifications folders or individual specifications that you want to attach.
        Note: If the Specifications tool is enabled on the project, the selections in this menu are populated with the spec sections from that tool and it will display as a link upon saving the tender package. If the Specifications tool is disabled on the project, the selections in this menu are populated with values from the project's Admin tool.
  2. Click Attach Files.

Add Tenderers

In the new Tender Management Enhanced Experience, you need to create a tender form before you can add tenderers. See Create a Tender Form and Add Tenderers to a Tender Form.
  1. Click Add Tenderers.
    This directs you to the Tenderers tab of the tender package.
  2. Select your tenderers from the following ways:

Next Steps

See Also