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Below are the notable changes to the project's Budget tool in 2020.

New Budget Detail Tab (18/11/2020)

Procore has released a the new 'Budget Detail' tab in the Project level Budget tool. This new tab includes all of the Standard and Source columns in your company's budget views that have been assigned to your project by your company's Procore Administrator. Designed to eventually replace the 'Budget Detail Report' (which is currently still located in the Budget tool's right sidebar), this tab provides you with a more detailed way to examine your budget—including how your budget is affected by your project's variations, budget modifications, commitment costs and more. For details, see Project Financials: New  Budget Detail Tab in the Budget Tool.

API Support for 'Timesheet Hours' Column in Budget Views (4/10/2020)

For companies not using Procore's Field Productivity tools, you can now develop your own custom or third-party custom integration for inputting your timecard entries into Procore. Your custom integration can input your entries to Procore's Timecards tool using the API, which enables you to view timecard entries in the 'Timesheet Hours' column of a budget view. See Can we import our third-party timecard entries to work with the 'Timesheet Hours' column in Procore's Budget tool?

New 'Procore Labour Productivity Cost' Budget View (14/7/2020)

Procore released a new 'Procore Labour Productivity Cost' view in the Company Admin tool's list of standard budget views. With this view, you can now add and import production units to a project's budget in Procore's Financial Management tools:  Budget, Change Events and Variations. It also interacts with the Timecards, Timesheets and the Reports tools. To learn more, see Project Financials: New 'Procore Labour Productivity Cost' Budget View.

Limited Release of Advanced Forecasting Feature for the Budget Tool (11/6/2020)

For clients using Procore's Project Financials tools, Procore has released an Advanced Forecasting feature for use with the Project level Budget tool. This feature must be enabled in your environment by Procore. To learn more, see Project Financials: Advanced Forecasting for the Budget Tool

Set Up a Labour Costing Budget View (3/3/2020) 

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Admin tool can now set up a budget view to manage and track costs with new unit quantity, unit of measure and unit cost sources. Timecard entries submitted in Procore can also automatically update estimated labour costs in your budget. See Add a Budget View for Real-Time Labour Costing.

Enhancements for Unit-Based Financials  (3/3/2020) 

Procore is excited to announce the general release of several new enhancements for unit-based financials. This update, formerly known as the Unit of Measure (UoM) beta program, was tested by beta program participants throughout 2019. These enhancements provide you with the ability to input unit-based quantities on your budget's line items and to automatically calculate the 'Original Budget' amount. See Project Financials: Enhancements for Unit-Based Financials.

New Configurable Units of Measure (3/3/2020) 

If your organisation uses a Unit of Measure (UoM) that is not already in Procore's Unit of Measure Master List, users with 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Admin tool can now add custom units of measures for your company. These units of measure can then be applied to line items on a budget. See Add a Unit of Measure to the Unit of Measure Master List.