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View a Daywork Sheet (iOS)

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To view a Daywork Sheet in the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Daywork Sheets tool.


  1. Navigate to the Daywork Sheets tool on an iOS mobile device.
  2. Tap on the Daywork Sheet you want to view.
  3. The following information is viewable on the sheet:
    Note: Some optional fields may be absent from the sheet if the creator of the sheet did not complete them.
    • Performed on: The date that the sheet was submitted.
    • Location: The location of the work needed.
    • Status: The status of the sheet. Possible statuses are 'In Progress', 'Field Verified', 'Ready for Review' and 'Closed'.
    • Information: Additional information about the sheet, including the reference number and the person who ordered the sheet.
    • Labour: The labour needed to complete the sheet, including the number of employees, hours worked and employee classifications.
    • Materials: The materials needed to complete the sheet, including material units and quantities.
    • Equipment: The equipment needed to complete the sheet, including the equipment name and number of hours used.
    • Company Signature: The name of the person who signed the sheet on behalf of the Company, if applicable.
    • Customer Signature: The name of the person who signed the sheet on behalf of the Customer, if applicable.
    • More Information: Additional information about the sheet is included in the 'Notes' section.