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Prequalifications - User Permissions


The following table highlights which user permissions are required to perform the described user action.

Task None Read Only Standard Admin
Add a Comment on a Prequalification Form     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png1 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Assign a Prequalification Primary Contact       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Bulk Invite Companies to Prequalify          icon-mindtouch-table-check.png2
Configure Advanced Settings: Prequalifications       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Create a Change Request for a Prequalification Form       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Customise the Column Display in the Prequalification Tool   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Delete a Comment on a Prequalification Form       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png3 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Edit the Prequalification Form        icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Filter Prequalification Forms   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Invite a Company to Prequalify          icon-mindtouch-table-check.png2
Preview the Prequalification Form   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Review a Submitted Prequalification Form       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png1 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Set the Status on a Prequalification Form        icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View a Comment on a Prequalification Form     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View a Company's Prequalification Information     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View the Change History of a Prequalification Form        icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View the Prequalification Company List   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png

Users need to be added to the Company level Directory in order for you to invite them to prequalify. Once they are invited to prequalify, they will automatically be given 'Read Only' permissions on the Prequalification Portal tool.

'Standard' level users can view all categories response data except for Financials.

'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions are required on the company's Directory tool to complete this function.

'Standard' level users can perform functions on items they have created.