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Link a Bill of Quantities Line Item to a Change Event Line Item


To link a line Bill of Quantities (BOQ) line item from a commitment, commitment variation or main contract variation to a line item on a change event


There are three (3) ways to link an existing variation or a commitment to a change event line item:

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Commitments tool.
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Main Contracts tool.


Link a Commitment's BOQ Line Item to a Change Event Line Item

  1. Navigate to the project's Commitments tool.
  2. View the commitment you want to edit. 
  3. In the General tab, scroll to the Bill of Quantities card.
  4. Click Edit in the Programme of values card.
    Procore restricts you from editing the commitment when the following is true:
    • There are one or more variations in the Approved status. 
    • The commitment has one or more payment applications. 
  5. Click Add Line to create a new BOQ line item or choose an existing line item and click the Change Event Line Item drop-down list.
  6. Search for and select an existing change event.
  7. Select a line item from the chosen change event to link to the BOQ line item
  8. Click Save.  

Link a Variation's BOQ Line Item to a Change Event Line Item

  1. Navigate to the appropriate tool:
    • If you want to link a main contract variation, navigate to the Main Contracts tool. 
    • If you want to link a commitment variation, navigate to the Commitments tool. 
  2. View the contract linked to the variation you are editing.
  3. Click Variations.
  4. View the Variation you want to create a new change event line item from.
  5. Click Bill of Quantities.
  6. Click Add Line to create a new BOQ line item or choose an existing line item and click the Change Event Line Item drop-down list.
  7. Search for and select an existing change event.
  8. Select a line item from the chosen change event to link to the BOQ line item
  9. Click Save

Create a New Change Event Line Item from a BOQ Line Item

  1. Navigate to the appropriate tool:
    • If you want to link a main contract variation, navigate to the Main Contracts tool. 
    • If you want to link a commitment variation, navigate to the Commitments tool. 
  2. View the contract linked to the variation you are editing.
  3. Click Variations.
  4. View the Variation you want to create a new change event line item from.
  5. Click Bill of Quantities.
  6. Click Add Line to create a new BOQ line item or choose an existing line item and click the Change Event Line Item drop-down list.
  7. Search for and select an existing change event.
  8. Click Create Line Item.
  9. Enter the following information: 
    • Budget Code. The cost code from the change event automatically populates the line item. 
    • Description. Enter a description for the line item. 
      Note: On commitment variations, the Vendor and Contract fields are automatically populated with information from the contract.
  10. Click Create
    Note: When users create a new change event line item, the budget code, description and any information currently in the BOQ line item will populate back to the newly created change event line item.