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Edit a Commitment Variation Linked to a Potential Variation for a Funding

 Limited Release
flag-us.png flag-canada.png The Funding tool is available as a limited release for Procore customers in the United States and Canada who have implemented the Procore for Owners point-of-view dictionary. To learn more, see What dictionaries and languages are available in the Procore web application?


To edit a Commitment Variation (CV) that is linked to a Potential Variation (PV) on a funding, directly from the PV.


If you are working with a PV on a funding, you can change the status of an associated commitment PV or you can update the amount of the CV line item.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Funding tool.
  • Requirements:
    • The Change Events tool MUST be disabled to use these steps.


  1. Navigate to the project's Funding tool.
  2. Locate the funding to work with. Then click its Number link.
  3. Locate the PV with the linked CV to edit. Then click View.
  4. Click the Bill of Quantities tab.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the Status or Commitment Amount columns to edit what is shown there.
    • A blue corner indicates you can edit the column inline.
    • The Commitment Amount column cannot be edited in the 'Approved' status.
  7. Click Save.