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View Inspection Programmes


To configure your view of inspection programmes to see the information you need.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Inspections tool.
      'Standard' level permissions on the Project level Inspections tool with the 'Schedule Inspections' granular permission.
    Additional Information:
    • Inspection programmes are grouped by template
    • Not sure if you can drag and drop the columns to adjust the order


  1. Navigate to the Project level Inspections tool.
  2. Click the Programmes tab.
  3. Click the Table Settings icon-ag-grid-table-filter-menu.png icon.
  4. Optional: Select the 'Row Height'.
  5. Move the toggle to the ON position to show the following columns on your view:
    • Name
    • Template
    • Type
    • Location
    • First Inspection Due Date
    • End By
    • Inspections Created
    • Frequency
    • Assignees
  6. Click the X to close the 'Table Settings' modal.