To configure advanced settings for the project's Meetings tool.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Meetings tool.
- Additional Information:
- If a gray 'x' appears for the user whose permissions you are trying to change, the user may be either a Company Administrator or their permissions are managed using a template. See Manage Project Permissions Templates instead.
Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system and/or it may be out of date.
Configure the Meeting Settings
- Navigate to the project's Meetings tool.
- Click the Configure Settings

- Configure the settings as follows:
Meeting View: Choose 'Category' (this is the default setting) or 'Old and New Business' from the drop-down list. Notes: If you choose 'Category', meeting creators will be able to organise the business items added to a meeting by meeting categories. See Create a Meeting Category. Also, if you select 'Category', meeting creators will be able to create a meeting from a template. See Create a Meeting from a Template.
Enable Old/New Business Column: When a mark is placed in this checkbox, the system adds a column to the meeting items table that indicates whether the item is old or new business when the meeting is in category view. Note: Most Procore customers choose to keep this setting disabled.
Meetings Private by Default: Mark this checkbox so that meetings will be created private by default.
Automatically Show Previous Minutes: Enter how many previous meeting minutes you want to show under each meeting item.
Show Previous Minutes on the PDF: Mark this checkbox to add any "automatically shown previous minutes" and "starred minutes" on an exported meeting PDF.
Enable Cost Codes on Meeting Items: Mark this tickbox to include a cost code field on all meeting items.
Enable Descriptions on Meeting Items: Mark this tickbox to include a description field on all meeting items.
Enable Attendee Approval and Comments: Mark this checkbox so attendees can approve and comment on minutes.
Label for Custom Field 1 (Short): Enter a name for a custom field.
Label for Custom Field 2: Enter a name for a second custom field.
Use Meeting Wide Numbering: If this setting is selected, meeting numbering will stay the same throughout the entire meeting series regardless of re-arranging meeting items within a meeting. The meeting item numbering under the "Topic #" column will show as (meeting #).(meeting item # - in the order the items were created). Note: The "Agenda #" and "Meeting Origin" columns are replaced with "Topic #" and the meeting category number will no longer be displayed in this mode.
- Click Update to save any changes.
Configure User Permissions for Meetings
- Navigate to the project's Meetings tool.
- Click the Configure Settings
- Click Permissions Table.
- Set each user's permissions:
No Access
Note: If a grey 'x' appears for a user, the user whose permissions you are trying to change may be either a Company Administrator or their permissions are managed using a template. See Manage Project Permissions Templates instead.