Quick Capture: New Snag List Feature for iOS Users
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Feature Released: April 25, 2022
Quick Capture Available in Snag List Tool on iOS
Procore has released a new Quality & Safety feature for the project's Snag List tool called Quick Capture.
With Quick Capture, you can create a high volume of snag items in a short amount of time during snag walks, helping improve your company's Quality & Safety measures and save you valuable time.
Quick Capture allows you to record short videos of issues on the job site and convert the videos into snag items from an iOS device. While recording a video, you can verbally describe what you are seeing and the audio will be transcribed to automatically populate the snag item's Title and Description fields. You can also say the name of a trade (that already exists in your Procore account) during the recording and Quick Capture will attempt to populate the snag item's Trade field. See Create a Snag List Item with Quick Capture (iOS) and Create Snag List Items with Quick Capture from a Drawing (iOS).
- Main Screen
- Record New Snag Items with Quick Capture
- Review and Send Recorded Items to the Project's Snag List
- Access the In-App User Guide
Main Screen
Set a location and/or drawing to associate with the snag items you want to create. You can change one or both selections later if necessary when reviewing the snag items. Start recording a new item. Review and send recorded items to the project's snag list. Access the in-app user guide. On supported devices, you can use your device's flashlight while recording items.
Record New Snag Items with Quick Capture
Tap the record button to begin recording. While recording, describe the snag item out loud. Quick Capture uses your verbal description to populate the item's Title and Description fields. See Create a Snag List Item with Quick Capture (iOS) for the full step-by-step instructions.
Review and Send Recorded Items to the Project's Snag List
For step-by-step instructions, see Create a Snag List Item with Quick Capture (iOS).
Access the In-App User Guide
The in-app user guide will load automatically the first time you open Quick Capture. After this, tap the Information icon to review the in-app user guide again as needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which fields are populated when I record a snag item with Quick Capture?
Quick Capture populates the Title and Description fields automatically based on the audio captured during the snag item's recording. Quick Capture also attempts to populate the snag item's Trade field (if you say the name of a trade that already exists in your Procore account). You can update a snag item's other fields when reviewing the snag item before you send it to snag list in the project's Snag List tool.
How do I assign snag items created with Quick Capture?
You can add assignees to snag items created with Quick Capture before you send the snag items to the snag list. If you select a trade and add one or more users as assignees on a snag item, the Assignees field on a new snag item with the same trade will automatically populate with the same users. If necessary, you can change the users added as assignees on the new snag item before sending that snag item to the snag list.
Can I email snag items created with Quick Capture?
Yes. After you send your snag items to the snag list, you can email snag items created with Quick Capture in the same way as other snag items. See Send Snag List Items (iOS) and Send Snag List Items.
Do I need an internet connection to use Quick Capture?
Quick Capture does not require an internet connection when you are recording snag items (during a snag walk, for example). You will only need a mobile or Wi-fi network connection in order to send the new snag items to the snag list in the project's Snag List tool.
How much memory do I need on my iPad or iPhone to use Quick Capture?
On average, each Quick Capture snag item recording is about 5 seconds long and takes about 5MB (megabytes) of space on your iOS device. On a snag walk with 100 recordings at 5 seconds each, the Quick Capture feature would use about 500MB of space. If your Procore app is configured to store copies of the photos and videos in the iOS Photos app (see Settings: Procore iOS App), the copies in the Photos app would take about the same amount of space.
How much data does Quick Capture require?
If you do not have Wi-fi connectivity while you are recording snag items on a snag walk, Quick Capture will only use a small amount of mobile data for each snag item's transcription. After the snag walk, Quick Capture will use additional mobile data when you send snag items to the snag list if you include the videos that you recorded for each snag item. You have the option to remove the videos before sending the snag items to the snag list.
Can Quick Capture be used in Procore's Web Application?
Quick Capture recordings can only be done using Procore's iOS application. After snag items created with Quick Capture are sent to the snag list, they can be accessed and responded to in Procore's web application in the same way as other snag items. See View Snag List Items and Respond to a Snag List Item.
Which languages are supported with Quick Capture's transcription feature?
With a mobile or Wi-fi network connection, Quick Capture's transcription feature supports the same languages that are supported with Apple's dictation feature (see QuickType Keyboard: Dictation ). Without a mobile or Wi-fi network connection, Quick Capture's transcription feature uses your device's language if that language is supported with Apple's on-device dictation (see Change the langauge on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and QuickType Keyboard: On-Device Dictation ).
How does data entry differ between snag items created with manual input and snag items created with Quick Capture?
When creating a snag item using Quick Capture, the list of required fields may differ than what you would see when manually inputting a snag item. By default, the Quick Capture form shows the following fields:
- Title (Required)
- Description
- Location
- Trade
- Assignees
- Type
- Snag Item Manager (Required)
- Final Approver (Required)
If your project's Snag List tool fieldset has been configured to require or hide fields that are included on the default Quick Capture form, those configurations will be reflected when snag items are created using Quick Capture. If the fieldset configured for your project's Snag List tool has more required fields (in addition to the fields already on the Quick Capture form), those configurations will not be reflected when snag items are created using Quick Capture.
If you would like to ask questions or share any feedback, please contact support@procore.com.