Your Procore Team
Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR)Quarterly Business Reviews will be programmed and run by our Customer Success team. They are a valuable resource for answering questions, learning about product updates on new tools and getting an insightful understanding of how your company is using Procore. The QBR agenda will include:
Build a Custom Training CentreWhat is your strategy for training your project team and collaborators on how to use Procore YOUR way? Each Procore client has their own unique best practices, SOPs and process workflows. Instead of creating these custom instructions in a separate PDF or Microsoft Word document that will be difficult to keep up-to-date and maintain over time, leverage all of our existing training content (e.g. tutorials, FAQs, training videos, etc.) while still having the flexibility to customise any set of instructions to fit your company-specific needs. With a Training Centre, you can build your own section on Procore's Support Centre (e.g. https://support.procore.com/acme). To learn more, see What is a Training Centre? Contact your Procore point of contact to schedule a product demo. Features & Benefits:
Keeping Your Company Engaged with Procore
Recommended Terms & Conditions for ProcoreUnder the Terms & Conditions section of your Company Level Admin tool, you can add company-specific, legal language to specify the usage agreement for your company's implementation of the Procore system. When enabled, users will be prompted and required to accept your specified "Terms and Conditions" when they log in to Procore to access your company's account for the first time. If users choose to not accept your terms and conditions, they will not be allowed to access your Procore account. |
Recommended Project Manual Language for ProcoreIf you want to include the use of Procore into your project's specifications, you can use the following template as a guide for including Procore as an "Administrative Requirement" (01 30 00) specification within the project manual. It provides technical requirements around workflows, business processes, etc. For Owner and Architect clients: For Main Contractor clients: |
Welcome to Procore Email TemplatesWhen rolling out Procore across your company or launching new projects, you may want to send a welcome email, informing them that Procore will be used for managing projects. The contents of the email should include basic information about how to log in to Procore, access projects and leverage documentation and support resources. |