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Release Notes for 2024-04-01

See Procore's Release Notes for:

iOS | Android | API | Imports | Extracts | Drive | VDC Plugin | Documents Plugin | Data Extract

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, March 29, 2024.

Core Tools


SEarch the Company Directory When Adding a Company

When adding companies to your Project Directory, you can first search the Company Directory to find businesses your company is already working with. See Add a Company to the Project Directory.


Tender Board

Single Select Custom Fields Available for Tender Board

Single-select fields added to the 'Admin (Project Level)' fieldset are now shown on the Tender Board. Information in the field carries over when a project is moved from the Tender Board to the Portfolio tool. See What are custom fields and which Procore tools support them?

Project Management



Procore's Meetings tool now allows you to filter the 'List' view of your meetings by the template field. See Search and Filter Meetings to learn more. 

Financial Management


Procore Pay Now Appends a 'Certificate of Signature' to e-Signed Lien Waivers

Lien waivers signed using the eSign method now include a ‘Certificate of Signature’. When users compile or download a e-signed lien waiver, the certificate is appended to the lien waiver PDF file. To learn more, see Sign Lien Waivers on Project Payment applications and View Signed Lien Waivers on Project Payment applications.

Add Sub-Tier Subcontractor Information to Commitments

To promote transparency and ensure accountability on the job site for companies using Procore Pay, users with payment application administrator permissions in Procore can add sub-tier subcontractor information directly to commitments. To learn more, see About the Lien Rights Tab on a Commitment with Procore Pay and Add Sub-Tier Information to Commitments.

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: