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View Messages in the Conversations Tool (Beta)

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 In Beta
The Conversations tool is currently in beta. For more information, see Getting Started with Procore Conversations and How do I opt in to the beta for Procore Conversations?


To view messages in the Conversations tool.


The Conversations tool show all conversations that you are involved in. This includes direct messages, group conversations and item conversations.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • You must exist in a project's Directory.
  • Additional Information:
    • Unread messages in the Conversations tool are shown in bold text.
    • If you are mentioned in a conversation or receive a new message, a notification badge icon-notification-badge-cnvs.png is shown next to the relevant message in the Conversations tool until you view it. See Mention a User in a Conversation and Send a Message in the Conversations Tool.
      • The number in the badge indicates the number of new messages in the conversation.
      • The notification badge in the Procore header does not automatically update after you view unread messages, but will update after refreshing the page or coming back to the Conversations tool.
    • To view threaded replies in a conversation, click the 'reply' link under a message. See View Threaded Replies within a Conversation.


  1. Navigate to the Conversations tool (click the Conversations icon-conversations.png icon in the Procore header).
  2. Messages are organised by the following types of conversations:

View Direct Messages

  1. Direct messages are organised by project in the 'Direct Messages' section.  
  2. Click the name of the individual to open your conversation.
  3. Messages are automatically sorted by date and time. Each message shows the sender's name and avatar/initials.

View Group Messages

  1. Group messages are organised by project and group in the 'Groups' section.  
  2. Click the name of the group that you want to see messages for.
    This opens the group conversation.
  3. Messages are automatically sorted by date and time. Each message shows the sender's name and avatar/initials.

View Messages Related to Items In Procore

  1. Conversations related to items are organised by project and tool in the 'Items' section.  
  2. Click the name of the item that you want to see messages for.
    This opens the item conversation.
  3. Messages are automatically sorted by date and time. Each message shows the sender's name and avatar/initials.
  4. Optional: To go to the item in the project, click the open icon-open-in-new-tab.png icon.