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Email Specifications

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To email a project's specifications to another user using Procore.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
  • You can only email specifications to users who are listed in your project's directory.
  • If you want to email specifications to a user that is not listed in the project directory, you must download the specifications to your local computer and use your own email client to send the file(s). See Download Specifications.


Email a Single Specification

  1. Navigate to the project's Specifications tool.
  2. Mark the checkbox next to the specification section 
    Click Info next to the specification you want to email.
  3. Click Email.
  4. Select your email recipients.
  5. Optional: Take any of the following actions:
    • Add other users to the "CC" list. 
      Note: As the sender, your name is automatically included in the CC list.
    • Update the Subject.
    • Attach any other relevant files from your computer or from your project's Documents tool. 
    • Enter a message.
  6. Click Send

Email Multiple Specifications

  1. Navigate to the project's Specifications tool.
  2. Select specifications to email:
    • To send multiple spec sections, mark the checkboxes to the left of the desired section(s).
    • To select all of the spec sections within a division, mark the checkbox next to a division.
    • To select all of the specs within the set, mark the checkbox in the table's header.
  3. Click Email.
  4. Select your email recipients.
  5. Optional: Take any of the following actions:
    • Add other users to the "CC" list. 
      Note: As the sender, your name is automatically included in the CC list.
    • Update the Subject.
    • Attach any other relevant files from your computer or from your project's Documents tool. 
    • Enter a message.
  6. Click Send

Next Steps