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Send the Submittals in a Package for Review


To send the submittals in a submittal package to approvers for review. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Submittals tool.
  • Addtional Information:
    • When users send or resend submittals in submittal packages for review, the system sends emails with the following subject lines:
      • 'Action Required For Submittals in Package'. This email is sent to members of the submittal workflow to alert the Action required by person that a response is required.
      • 'Submittals Sent For Review in Package'. This email is sent to each submittal's manager and distribution list members.
  • Prerequisites:


  1. Navigate to the Submittals tool. 
  2. Click the Packages tab.
  3. Click View next to the package with the submittals you want to send.
    A yellow banner indicates the number of submittals in the package that can be sent for review.
    • The number includes any unsent submittals that are ready to send for review. 
    • The number includes any previously sent submittals where responses are still 'Pending' for all approvers.  To locate previously sent submittals, look for the 'Sent Date' on the submittal items in the package. 
  4. If you want to send all of the submittals that are ready for review, click Send Now in the banner.
    • The system sends an 'Action Required For Submittals in Package' email to alert the Action required by person for each submittal that requires a response.
    • The system sends a 'Submittals Sent For Review in Package' email to each submittal's Submittal Manager and distribution list members.
    • A green confirmation banner displays to confirm the emails were sent. 
    • The button on the package's yellow banner changes to Resend Now. See Resend the Submittals in a Package for Review.
    • The Sent Date fields in the submittals' workflows are updated.