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Company Documents - User Permissions (Android)


Company Level Documents

The following table highlights which user permissions are required to perform the described user action.

Task None Read Only Standard Admin
Add or Edit a File Description in the Company Level Documents Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Check Files In or Out in the Company Level Documents Tool     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 1, 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Configure Advanced Settings: Company Documents       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Create a New Folder in the Company Level Documents Tool     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Delete Files and Folders in the Company Level Documents Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Download a Previous Version of a File in the Company Level Documents Tool   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Download Files and Folders from the Company Level Documents Tool   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Email Files or Folders from the Company Level Documents Tool     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export Information from the Company Level Documents Tool   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Manage File and Folder Tracking in the Company Level Documents Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Manage Permissions for Company Level Documents       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Open and Edit a File in Microsoft Office 365 Using the Company Level Documents Tool     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Rename a File in the Company Level Documents Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Rename a Folder in the Company Level Documents Tool       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Retrieve Files and Folders from the Company Level Documents Tool's Recycle Bin       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Search for and Filter Company Level Documents   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 3 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 3 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Upload a New Version of a File in the Company Level Documents Tool     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Upload Files or Folders to the Company Level Documents Tool     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View Documents in the Company Level Documents Tool   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png 2 icon-mindtouch-table-check.png

1 Users with 'Standard' level permissions can only check in a file that they have checked out.

2 Users with 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions can only access 'Private' files and folders if they have been granted access to the file or folder.

3 Search results will only include the documents the user performing the search has access to.