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Import a Client Contract Bill of Quantities from a CSV File


To import a client contract Bill of Quantities (BOQ) from a CSV file. 


Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is a list of line items that details all of the agreed-upon costs (for example, labour, materials and so on) on a project. Abbreviated as BOQ, it itemizes the client contract amount into individual pay items to show how the entire contract sum is allocated to all of the project's work. A BOQ is also based on the project's approved budget and is commonly used to determine progress payments from the main contractor or client to the speciality contractor.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Client Contracts tool
  • Additional Information:
    • If the 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' setting is turned OFF in the Main Contracts Tool's Configure Settings page, the contract must be in the Draft status. This is Procore's default setting. 
    • If the 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' setting is turned ON in the Main Contracts Tool's Configure Settings page, the contract can be in any status. However, you cannot replace line items that have been issued when performing an import. To learn more, see What is the 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' setting? 
      Before proceeding with the Steps below, always review the requirements for importing data from a CSV. See What are the requirements for importing BOQ line items from CSV?


Customise the Delimiter & Download a Blank Template

  1. Navigate to the project's Client Contracts tool. 
  2. In the table, click the Number link for the contract to open. 
  3. Click the Bill of Quantities tab. 
  4. At the bottom the Bill of Quantities page, click Import BOQ from CSV
  5. In the Import Bill of Quantities from CSV window, choose these options:
    • Click Customise CSV Delimiter to reveal the options. 
    • Under Choose CSV Delimiter, choose one of these options:
      What is a delimiter? A delimiter is a character used to separate values or text strings. It marks both the beginning and end of a unit of data.
      • Comma. Separates data using a  comma (,). This is Procore's default option. 
      • Semicolon. Separates data using a semicolon (;). 
  6. Click the Download Blank CSV Template button.
    Procore downloads a blank template file named 'Subcontract BOQ Template' the download location specified for your web browser.  

Add Line Items to the Blank Template

  1. On your computer, open the template that you just downloaded. 
  2. Follow one (1) of these steps to add line item(s) to your blank template:
    What is a delimiter? A delimiter is a character used to separate values or text strings. It marks both the beginning and end of a unit of data.

Amount-Based Accounting Method

  1. When a contract is using the amount based accounting method (see How do I set the accounting method for a contract or funding?), enter line items in the downloaded template file as follows:
    • #. Enter the line item number. 
    • Budget Code. Enter the budget code for the line item. 
    • Tax Code. Enter a tax code for the line item. 
    • Amount. Enter the line item amount. 
    • Billed to Date. Enter the amount billed to date for the line item, if applicable. 
    • Amount Remaining. Enter the amount remaining for the line item, if applicable. 
  2. Save your data entry in the completed template. 

Unit/Quantity Based Accounting Method

  1. When a contract is using the unit/quantity-based accounting method (see How do I set the accounting method for a contract or funding?), enter line items in the downloaded template file as follows:
    • #. Enter the line item number. 
    • Budget Code. Enter the budget code for the line item. 
    • Description. Enter a description for the line item. 
    • Tax Code. Enter a tax code for the line item. 
    • Qty. Enter the unit quantity for the line item. 
    • UOM. Enter a Unit of Measurement (UOM) for the line item. 
    • Unit Cost. Enter the unit cost for the line item. 
    • Amount. Enter the total amount for the line item. 
    • Billed to Date. Enter the amount billed to date for the line item, if applicable. 
    • Amount Remaining. Enter the amount remaining for the line item, if applicable. 
  2. Save your data entry in completed template.

Import the Completed CSV Template to Procore

  1. Return to the Import Bill of Quantities from CSV window. 
  2. Click the Upload File button. 
  3. Navigate to the completed template on your computer and upload it. 
  4. Choose from these options:
    • If the commitment's Bill of Quantities has zero (0) line items, simply click the Import button. 
    • If the commitment's Bill of Quantities has existing line items, choose one (1) of these options:
      • Add Additional Line Items. This option adds the line items in the template to the existing line items in the Bill of Quantities. Then, click the Import button.
      • Replace Existing Line Items. This option removes all existing line items from the Bill of Quantities and replaces them with the line items in the template.  Then, click the Import button. Note: If the 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' setting is turned ON in the project's Commitments tool, this option is greyed out and unavailable for use once a payment application is created and line items are billed. To learn more, see What is the 'Enable Always Editable Bill of Quantities' setting? 
  • How do I know if the import was successful? A GREEN success banner appears when the import process is successful. 
  • How do I get details about a file error? A RED error banner appears where there is a file error. Click the Show Errors button pictured below to reveal more specific information about the error to correct. 