Configure Advanced Settings: Photos
To configure advanced settings for the Photos tool.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Photos tool.
Note: Some features explained here require 'Admin' permissions on the project's Directory tool.
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Photos tool.
- Navigate to your project's Photos tool.
- Click the Configure Settings
- Set your preferences for the following:
Photo Settings
- Click on the Photo Settings page.
- Set your preferences for the following:
- Project Photos Subscribers: Select team members from this drop-down menu to have Procore automatically send them an email when new photos are added to the project.
- When new albums are created, add them: (to the beginning of the list / to the end of the list): Click the button next to the option you prefer.
- Make photos uploaded to the Photos tool private by default: Mark the checkbox to have photos uploaded to the Photos tool private by default so only Admin users can view them.
Inbound Email Options
The inbound email address for the Photos tool is listed under Inbound Address.
Depending on the inbound email setting selected below, photos can be added directly to the Photos tool by sending an email containing photos to the inbound email address (shown above). Configure who can send emails to the Photos tool by selecting one of the following:
- Allow anyone to send inbound emails to the Photos tool: Select this option if you do not want to restrict who can send inbound emails to the Photos tool. While this is selected, anyone who knows the inbound email address listed in the Photos tool's configure settings can send an email containing photos (which will be added to the Photos tool).
- Only allow Photos tool Admins to send inbound emails to the Photos tool: Select this option if you want to allow photos from an inbound email to be added to the Photos tool, but only those sent by users with 'Admin' permissions to the Photos tool.
- Disable all inbound emails to the Photos tool: Select this option if you do not want any photos to be added from an inbound email. While this is selected, any emails sent to the Photos tool's inbound email address will be blocked.
See Who can send emails and files into Procore? for more information on inbound emails and the settings that are available.
Photos from Other Tools
Important! The following options can only be configured by users with 'Admin' permissions to the project's Photos tool AND Directory tool:
- Default album for emailed photos: Select an album for photos that have been added through an inbound email to the Photos tool. See Inbound Email Options above.
- Import photos from Drawings to the Photos tool: Enable or disable photo aggregation from the Drawings tool. See Add Photos to a Drawing.
- Default album for Drawing photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Drawings" to which all photos added to drawings will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
Note: To configure the privacy settings for the album you select, see Mark an Album as Private. - Make Drawings photos private by default: This setting configures the privacy settings of individual photos imported from the drawings tool. By default, photos added to drawings and then aggregated into the Photos tool will be viewable by all users who have access to the Photos tool. If you want to hide these photos from anyone but 'Admin' users on the Photos tool, mark the checkbox.
Note: The privacy settings for the album that photos from the Drawings tool are imported into are respected.
- Default album for Drawing photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Drawings" to which all photos added to drawings will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
- Import photos from Site Diary to the Photos tool: Enable or disable photo aggregation from the Site Diary tool. See Add a Photo to a Site Diary Entry.
Note: Disabling this setting will only prevent photos that are added as attachments to site diary entries from being uploaded to the Photos tool. If photos are uploaded directly to the Photos log in the Site Diary tool, they will still be added to the Photos tool.- Default album for Site Diary photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Site Diary" to which all photos added to site diary entries will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
Note: To configure the privacy settings for the album you select, see Mark an Album as Private. - Make Site Diary photos private by default: By default, photos added to site diary entries and then aggregated into the Photos tool will only be viewable by 'Admin' users on the Photos tool. If you want to expose these photos to all users who have access to the Photos tool, untick the tickbox.
Note: The privacy settings for the album that photos from the Site Diary tool are imported into are respected.
- Default album for Site Diary photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Site Diary" to which all photos added to site diary entries will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
- Import photos from Punch List to the Photos tool: Enable or disable photo aggregation from the Punch List tool. See Add a Photo to a Punch List Item.
- Default album for Snag List photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Snag List" to which all photos added to snag list items will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
Note: To configure the privacy settings for the album you select, see Mark an Album as Private. - Make Snag List photos private by default: By default, photos added to snag list items and then aggregated into the Photos tool will only be viewable by 'Admin' users on the Photos tool. If you want to expose these photos to all users who have access to the Photos tool, unmark the checkbox.
Note: The privacy settings for the album that photos from the Snag List tool are imported into are respected. - Include photos from private Snag List: Select this checkbox to include photos from snag lists marked as 'Private.'
- Default album for Snag List photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Snag List" to which all photos added to snag list items will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
- Import photos from observations to the Photos tool: Enable or disable photo aggregation from the Observations tool. See Add a Photo to an Observation.
- Default album for observation photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Observations" to which all photos added to observations will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
Note: To configure the privacy settings for the album you select, see Mark an Album as Private. - Make observation photos private by default: By default, photos added to observations and then aggregated into the Photos tool will marked as private and therefore only be viewable by 'Admin' users on the Photos tool. If you want to expose these photos to all users who have access to the Photos tool, unmark the checkbox.
Note: The privacy settings for the album that photos from the Observations tool are imported into are respected. - Include photos from private Observations: Select this checkbox to include photos from Observations marked as 'Private.'
- Default album for observation photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Observations" to which all photos added to observations will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
- Import photos from inspections to the Photos tool: Enable or disable photo aggregation from the Inspections tool. See Add a Photo to an Inspection.
- Default album for inspections photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Inspections" to which all photos added to inspections will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
Note: To configure the privacy settings for the album you select, see Mark an Album as Private. - Make inspection photos private by default: By default, photos added to inspections and then aggregated into the Photos tool will marked as private and therefore only be viewable by 'Admin' users on the Photos tool. If you want to expose these photos to all users who have access to the Photos tool, unmark the checkbox.
Note: The privacy settings for the album that photos from the Inspections tool are imported into are respected. - Include photos from private Inspections: Select this checkbox to include photos from Inspections marked as 'Private.'
- Default album for inspections photos: By default, Procore will make a new album automatically called "Photos from Inspections" to which all photos added to inspections will be uploaded. From the drop-down menu, select a different destination album if desired.
Permissions Table
- Click the Permissions Table page.
- Set each user's permission for the Photos tool according to your preferences.
No Access
- For a list of what actions users can perform at each permission level in Photos, see the Permissions Matrix.
- In the example screenshot below, the users have 'None' and 'Read Only' permissions, respectively.