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Release Notes for 2020-11-23

iOS | Android | Windows | API | Imports | Drive | Sync

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, November 20, 2020.

Core Tools


Select a Company Permissions Template when Adding or Updating User Accounts

With the release of company permissions templates (permissions templates for Company level tools), users with the appropriate permissions can now select a company permissions template when adding or updating user accounts in the Company level Directory tool. See Add a User Account to the Company Directory and Edit a User Account in the Company Directory. Company permissions templates are created and managed in the company's Permissions tool. See Create a Company Permissions Template.


New Permissions Templates for Company Level Tools

Procore has released permissions templates for Company level tools. These templates are called company permissions templates. This release makes managing permissions on company level tools more efficient and helps prepare the company's Permissions tool for future enhancements. See Create a Company Permissions Template.


No notable changes.

Project Management


'Create Fieldsets' Button Added to the Observations Tool

In an effort to help users more effectively customise tools, Procore has added a Create Fieldsets button to show page of the Observations tool. This allows Admins to apply a fieldset by navigating directly from the Observations tool to the Fieldsets tab at the Company level. See Create Configurable Fieldset from an Observation.


Update Percent Complete for Programme Tasks on iOS and Android

Users with 'Admin' permissions on the Project's Programme tool can now update the Percent Complete for imported programme tasks using the Procore mobile app. Users with 'Standard' and 'Read Only' permissions with the 'Update Task Completion Percentages' granular permission enabled on their permissions template can also update the Percent Complete on mobile. See 'How do I allow users to update the 'Percent Complete' field in the Programme tool?'

New Design and User Experience for Programme Tool on Mobile

Users can now enjoy a new user experience and design when using the Programme tool on their iOS an Android devices. This new experience and design lays the foundation for future mobile enhancements to the Programme tool, including a new Mobile Percent Complete feature, which will be available soon to all users. New functionality and design you'll see with this update includes:

  • A new 'Resource' filter, allowing users to filter down the list of tasks relevant to them.
  • An 'All' option to allow the user to view all tasks on the project. Previously you could only view tasks in a day, week or month time frame.
  • A updated programme banner. If the programme has been modified since the last time the user logged in, we'll display a banner with the date and time the programme was last updated.


Updated Permissions for Company Level Timecard Tool

Users with 'Standard' level permissions on the Company level Timecard tool can now and delete their own timecard entries. To learn more, see Edit a Timecard Entry and Delete a Timecard Entry. This is consistent with the required user permissions in Create a Timecard Entry. It also matches how users interact with time entries in other Procore tools (for example, My Time, Timesheets and the Site Diary). 

Financial Management


New Budget Detail Tab

Procore has released a the new 'Budget Detail' tab in the Project level Budget tool. This new tab includes all of the Standard and Source columns in your company's budget views that have been assigned to your project by your company's Procore Administrator. Designed to eventually replace the 'Budget Detail Report' (which is currently still located in the Budget tool's right sidebar), this tab provides you with a more detailed way to examine your budget—including how your budget is affected by your project's variations, budget modifications, commitment costs and more. For details, see Project Financials: New  Budget Detail Tab in the Budget Tool.

Resource Management


Added Sub Job Field to Add Quantities Window

Procore has added a new 'Sub Job' field to the Project level Timesheets tool to show the name of the sub job that is associated with the quantity being entered. If the Sub Jobs feature is enabled on your project (see Enable Sub Jobs), the 'Sub Job' associated with your 'Units Installed' entry will appear in the Add Quantities window. If Sub Jobs is disabled, the 'Sub Job' field will display the word 'None.' This new field appears in the Procore for Web and Procore for Mobile (Android and iOS). For details, see Add Quantities to a TimesheetAdd Quantities to a Timesheet (Android), and Add Quantities to a Timesheet (iOS)

App Marketplace

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