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Configure Settings: Budget


To configure advanced settings for the project's Budget tool.


Users with the appropriate permissions can configure a variety of advanced settings for the project's Budget tool. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Budget tool.
  • Additional Information:


  1. Navigate to the project's Budget tool.
  2. Click Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png.
  3. Click Budget Settings.
  4. In the Budget Settings page, configure each setting: 
    • To turn a feature ON, mark the tickbox. 
    • To turn a feature OFF, remove the check mark from the box.
  5. Click Update

Budget Line Formatting

This table details the settings under 'Budget Line Formatting' in the 'Budget Settings' page.

Setting Element Description
Display all values in red text on rows where any calculated column value is negative Tickbox Mark this tickbox to have all values in a line show as red when any column in the row is negative.


This table details the settings under 'Forecasting' in the 'Budget Settings' page.

Setting Element Description
Autocalculate Forecast to Complete by Default Tickbox Mark the tickbox to automatically calculate the forecast to complete for new budget items.  Procore does NOT retroactively calculate the 'Forecast to Complete' value on existing budget items.
Enable Advanced Forecasting Tickbox Mark the tickbox to add the following features to Procore: 
  • The Forecasting tab in the project's Budget tool. 
  • The Procore Standard Forecast View in the Company Admin tool. See 
  • The ability to create customised forecasting views and assign them to projects in the Company Admin tool. 

Budget Changes

This table details the settings under 'Budget Changes' in the 'Budget Settings' page.

Setting   Description
Require a Budget Change Adjustment to Change Event association Yes/No

Prevents the movement of funds between budget codes without a change event association.
Optional: Check the box to automatically create a change event for all unassigned adjustments. Each unassigned adjustment will be added as change event line items on the new change event. 

Budget change adjustments do NOT require a change event association. However, it is still possible to link them together when necessary. 

Require Net Zero Budget Change Amounts Tickbox

Mark the tickbox to require net zero budget change amounts when creating budget changes. This requires the user creating the budget change to move the full amount of an adjustment to another line item before  allowing them to click Save. See Create Budget Changes

Allow Budget Changes to be Billed on Main Contract Payment Applications

Tickbox Mark this tickbox to allow users to add newly approved budget changes to the most recent owner payment application: 

Note: Selected budget changes must have a net zero balance.




This table details the settings under 'Budget' in the 'Budget Settings' page.

Setting Element Description
Display Grand Total on Last Page of Budget PDF Export Only. Tickbox Mark the tickbox to display the Budget Grand Total only on the last page of the Budget PDF Export.


 Legacy Content

Budget Modifications

This setting is only available to Procore customers who have not completed migration to the budget changes feature. See About Budget Changes and Migrating to Budget Changes from Budget Modifications.

Setting   Description
Allow Budget Modifications Which Modify Grand Total Tickbox

Mark the tickbox to turn this setting ON to:

  • Perform addition/subtraction to increase/decrease totals when creating budget modifications. 

Set User Permissions for the Budget Tool

Instead of the steps below, Procore recommends that you set user access permissions to your project tools using a permission template. See Manage Project Permissions Templates.

  1. Navigate to the project's Budget tool.
  2. Click Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png.
  3. Click Permissions Table
  4. Under User Permissions for Budget, set the user's access permission level by clicking the icon in the column so a GREEN tick appears.

    The colour-coded icons in the user permissions area denotes the user's access permission level to the tool. To learn more, see What are the default permission levels in Procore?

    Icon Colour Definition
    green-check.png GREEN The user has been granted this access permission level to the tool.
    red-x.png RED The user has NOT been granted this access permission to the tool.
    grey-x.png GREY The user is either a Procore Administrator or has been granted permissions to the Procore tools on this project using a permissions template (see What is a permissions template?). To change the user's permission level to this tool, see Manage Project Permissions Templates.