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Review a Subcontractor BOQ for a Commitment


A Subcontractor Bill of Quantities (Subcontractor BOQ) on a commitment is typically completed when the upstream contractor (for example, a main contractor) requires a detailed line-item breakdown of work performed by a downstream contractor (for example, a subcontractor). 

In Procore, the Subcontractor BOQ tab is enabled on the project's Commitments tool by default. This tab provides downstream contractors with the ability to provide detailed line items for work performed to upstream contractors. It also ensures that subcontractors do not modify the line items on the general 'Bill of Quantities' tab. This is because the intent of a commitment's general BOQ tab is to a line item that shows the contract amount for each cost code and cost type. 

For the Subcontractor BOQ tab, a general contractor sends a request that the subcontractor to add line items to the Subcontractor BOQ when the general contractor requires additional information about the subcontractor's payment for work performed. The Subcontractor BOQ can then be reviewd and approved by the general contractor.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
  • Additional Information:
    • If you are listed in the Payment application Distribution of the Commitments tool,  when a subcontractor BOQ is submitted for the commitment, you and other users listed in the Payment application Distribution list will receive an email notification that the Subcontractor Bill of Quantities has been submitted by the subcontractor once the status of the subcontractor BOQ is set to 'Under Review.' See Configure Settings: Commitments.



  1. Navigate to the project's Commitments tool.
  2. Under the Contracts tab, locate the purchase order or subcontract. Then click Edit.
  3. Click the Subcontractor BOQ tab.
  4. Optional: To edit the line items on the Subcontractor BOQ tab, click Edit.
  5. Review the line items on the Subcontractor BOQ tab. Then choose from these options:
    • To approve the Subcontractor BOQ, change the status to 'Approved.' 
    • To reject the Subcontractor BOQ and have the downstream contractor edit the line items,  click 'Revise & Resubmit.'
  6. Click Submit